Pomacentrus vatosoa: Corazon’s Damselfish get Official Description

Corazon’s damselfish is a brilliant new species of damselfish that was discovered just last year has already been treated to an official description. This little treasure of a reef fish from Madagascar has been bestowed the latin name of Pomacentrus…

Papua New Guinea Fish & Corals Coming Summer 2019

Papua New Guinea has long been a hotspot for biological diversity on land and especially in the Sea. Taxonomists of every discipline always find new species when they search PNG’s natural environments, birders marvel at the endemic birds of paradise,…

Top 10 New Fish Species of 2018

One of the funnest parts of keeping up with all the happenings in the world of marine life is learning about all the new discoveries of rare and exotic reef fish. Sometimes, oftentimes, these new species come from far away,…

Never Before Seen Damselfish Collected in Madagascar by Blue Ocean SARL

When new species of damselfish or small gobies are described, sometimes the differences can be so minute that you really have to analyze the fish in question. This new mostly white damselfish is so wildly different in appearance that there’s…

Top Ten New Species of Reef Fish of 2017

More than any other year 2017 felt like it was jam packed with a deluge of new species of marine fish being described. These included many from the tropical reefs that we all so love but there were even more…

Overcoming Your Fear of Scuba Diving

Overcoming Your Fear of Scuba Diving Having predive jitters, even before stepping foot in a pool is not uncommon. While some new divers feel comfortable from the get go, others struggle or panic with the thought of putting their head…

My new reef tank after three months

As we have all heard time and time again patience is a virtue, and in this hobby it is pretty much mandatory for long-term success. Truth be told, it is not really one of the virtues I am known for.…

Fun graphic shows difference between a royal gramma and a royal dottyback

In the world of tropical reef fish, there are numerous examples of convergent evolution, where unrelated and widely separated fish develop the same color and shape. The similarity between some cases of convergent evolution can be so similar between these fishes. Starcki…

Top 15 new reef fish species of 2015

This has been a very big year for new fish species, both described and discovered. Normally we finish up each year with a ‘Top 10’ new species but 2015 was so well endowed with fish being inducted into the hall…

Cool video shows the whole process of exporting fish from Mauritius

We like to promote the marine aquarium industry, and particularly the export of tropical marine fish, as a force for sustainable harvest of marine fish, sometimes undertaken by tight knit families living in coastal island communities. Nowhere is all of…