The Hybrid Beauty, Blue Phantom Angelfish by Poma Labs

Guest Author – Ken Kwan Back in 2019, Poma Labs revealed a new hybrid angelfish called the blue phantom. A hybrid between the beautiful Blue Line Angelfish (Chaetodontoplus septentrionalis), and the Black Phantom angelfish (Chaetodontoplus sp)., a distinctive and very dark…

Scientific Research Spotlights Hybridization of Angelfish

Angelfish hybrids and the numerous ways that the Pomacanthids can remix their genetics have been one of our favorite writing topics on Reef Builders for over a decade. For much of that time our rare fish editor Tea Yi Kai…

Bali Aquarich Goldflake Angelfish Hybrid is Something Special

It’s been almost five years since Bali Aquarich first revealed one of their most popular captive breeding successes with their goldflake x flagfin angelfish hybrids. At the time we would occasionally see this specific cross from the Central Pacific but…

Flameback Cherub Angelfish is a Captive Hybrid Cross from Nebraska!

The Flameback Cherubfish is a brand new captive breeding ‘first’ coming to us from the  exotic locale of Nebraska. On the one hand we’ve kinda seen a fish like this before, but on the other the Flameback Cherubfish is the really…

Blue Phantom Angelfish Hybrid Announced by Poma Labs

The Blue Phantom Angelfish is a new domestically captive bred hybrid from Poma Labs which has an insane amount of potential as an exciting new aquarium fish. Resulting from the cross between a blue line angelfish, Chaetodontoplus septentrionalis, and the…

Blueline Butterflyfish Hybrid Still Going Strong After Four Years

Unlike the celebrated and chromatically gifted angelfish, the world of butterflyfish is colored mostly in shades of white, yellow, black and occasionally a touch of red or orange. This is what makes the hawaiian endemic blue stripe butterflyfish, Chaetodon fremblii,…

Huge Hybrid Emperor Angelfish Surfaces in Taiwan

The recent parade of exotic angelfish continues with a very large adult hybrid Pomacanthus. The emperor angelfish is arguably the most popular and recognizable of all the large angelfish species in the Indo-Pacific, which is why fish fanciers really notice when…

Semilarvatus Makes One of the Rarest Butterflyfish Hybrids

It’s been a long while since we’ve had a fun butterflyfish hybrid to share with you but what’s cool about this specimen is that it is an aquarium established fish. The parents of this outbred fish were Chaetodon lineolatus and C. semilarvatus,…

Hybrid Chrysurus x Koran Angelfish Hybrid Collected in Kenya

It’s been a little while since we’ve come across a nice hybrid of a large species of angelfish but this newest specimen is a great fish to break our fast. Pictured here is the most recent look we’ve had at…

Tiger Angelfish Hybrid Collected in Madagascar

If the tiger angelfish is the Holy Grail of marine angelfish species then we’re going to have to come up with something else to describe the new hybrid tiger angelfish. This new specimen of the tiger angelfish is only the second…