More Videos of LiveAquaria’s Exotic Reef Life

If you thought we could contain our visit to LiveAquaria in a single video, well then you underestimate how much awesomeness this facility holds in the Northwoods of Wisconsin. If you watched our previous video tour of LiveAquaria, Kevin Kohen…

Quality Marine Makes History With Uber Rare Pitcairn Angelfish

It has been an incredible couple of weeks for rare angelfish news but nothing can top the mind blowing collection of deepwater species that Quality Marine just received from the Cook Islands. Those of you up to date on your…

Pseudocheilinus citrinus, the First ‘Yellow Mystery Wrasse’ Enters the Aquarium Hobby

Pseudocheilinus citrinus is a gorgeous little wrasse from the south Pacific that is so rare we knew of only a few images of this fish until now. Iwarna Aquafarm, a Singapore based purveyor of rare fish from all over the…

Sensational Tosanoides aphrodite Described from St. Paul’s Rock

Tosanoides aphrodite is a remarkable new species of anthias for a number of reasons. For starters, it’s the first member of its genus Tosanoides to be discovered outside the Pacific Ocean. Secondly this species was found at the fabled St. Paul’s…

Marcia’s Anthias Successfully Captive Bred in India

Anthias are some of the most visible small marine fish of tropical coral reef environments and many of them are also very popular in reef aquariums. The genus Pseudanthias particularly includes many of the smaller, aquarium-suitable species and aquaculture researchers recently…

Hong Kong through Digiman’s eyes part 1: Legendary reefers Dr. Chung and Jimma Ma

Here’s another exciting Reef Builders travelogue showcasing the sights and adventures of the reefing scene in a foreign country. Like our Japan and Bangkok travelogues, we visit yet again another Asian country – the mystical land of Hong Kong. This…

Tales from Thailand: Chingchai’s incredible DSPS tank

Having just returned from an amazing trip in Bangkok, it would almost be considered criminal if we weren’t going to spill and share on the reefing goodies this amazing city has to offer. Like our previous recount of BlueHarbor in…