Bioluminescent plankton: aglow in the ocean

If you’ve had the unique privilege of witnessing bioluminescent plankton while diving at night, you know firsthand how beautiful the underwater light show can be. For those of us who haven’t experienced it, this unique phenomenon. So what makes this…

Double Bright LED lights from Marineland might trigger the mass adoption of LED

The Double Bright LED aquarium light from Marineland is starting to arrive at retailers nationwide and when you see the striplight at your LFS,  you will give it a second take even if you are not in the market for…

Banggais in Lembeh and Maculosus in the Mediterranean, these fish are a long way from home

You know why Pterapogon kauderni is called the Banggai cardinalfish? Because originally it was found only around the Banggai Islands of Sulawesi, Indonesia. After several years of reported sightings of banggai cardinalfish a long way from home, the snapshot above…

210 Gallon tank uses DIY LED actinics

This reef tank which is housed in Beijing looks impressive as it doesn’t use a traditional “rock wall“. The tank is a 210 gallon setup with a 40 gallon sump, but that’s not the impressive part.  This tank does use traditional…

Abyss DVR from Planctonite provides unique video angles from inside your aquarium

The Abyss DVR from Planctonite is a novel new product for underwater video recording where normal cameras cannot go. The Abyss DVR is supplied with a magnetic mount for easy attachment to the aquarium glass and an actuating arm for…

The Rise of Nano Tanks, A New Reason to Think Small

The other day, as I was playing with my (gasp!) freshwater nano-paludarium, it occurred to me that I have become a hardcore fan of nano aquariums. I was inspired to write of my new-found love for these tanks when I…

Octopus rubescens and Low Tides are awesome

If you live near the coast of any ocean, you probably know that tide pooling is great fun. Whats even more fun, is waiting until there is a very low tide, and then going to your local marine protected area…

Aqua Illumination releases beta version of system controller

Aqua Illumination has released a new Beta version of the AI System controller. This new version will allow you to control the blue and white illumination channels independently up to 8 set time points in one day. This frees users…

GHL ProFilux III to get iPhone App

GHL ProFilux, the company that brings you the popular ProFilux controller is set to release their very own iPhone app. The iPhone app (which is pictured above) is set to be released to the iPhone app store, and if approved…

80 Species of stony corals could be added to Endagered Species list

There is an Arizona based environmental group that has started a petition that calls for protection of 80 species of stony corals. Effectively putting them on the Endangered Species list. While 83 were specifically stated, only 80 have made it…