Mike’s Nano Reef Makes a BIG Impression!

One of the very reasons that we love this hobby is that it doesn’t take a big tank to create a wonderful masterpiece and Michael Rice’s nano reef is the living embodiment of this. He’s got a simple setup with a…

An Introduction to Protein Skimming

A protein skimmer is a device designed to clean the water in a reef aquarium by removing dissolved organic compounds. Put even more simply, it is a controlled overflow of dirty water. Imagine a chamber that vigorously mixes air and…

Incredible Timelapse Video of Spawning Flower Anemone!

Flower Anemone Spawning In September of last year, Dynasty Marine sent me a box of flower anemones (Epicystis crucifer) to set up a Caribbean biotope aquarium. While the aquarium has gone through some growing pains and at the moment is not very…

The LPS Coral Paradise Aquarium of Michael Rice

Michael Rice is a local Colorado reef aquarist with a picture perfect reef tank of LPS corals. His 30 gallon aquarium is absolutely packed with gorgeous, healthy and very colorful fleshy corals, with an arrangement of chalice corals on the…

Nano Bubbles in the Reef Aquarium

As Don Ho used to sing:” Tiny bubbles, in the wine, make me happy, make me feel fine”. However, this refrain does not seem to be the mood on the reef aquarium side of the hobby, as judging from the heated discussions and…

Testing: Nano-Bubbles

Recently, the folks in my area got enamored with the topic of “nano?bubbles” for the reef tank. Being a curious engineer and avid tinkerer of tanks, I jumped right in to test it for myself. So what are nano?bubbles and…

What is new and improved in the aquarium hobby?

For as long as I have been watching television or reading magazines and newspapers, the phrase “New and Improved” has been employed for just about every product on the market at one time or another. Whether it touted how it…

The Best Beginner Large-Polyp Stony Corals

Throughout my years as an aquarium enthusiast, I have followed all the advice from all the books I could get my hands on since there were no other hobbyists with the same interest as I in my circle of friends…

Reefing from Afar, Part 5: Plans and Wishes for the Future

Overview: Finally we have come to the end of my series where I will set out some future desires of mine that are totally non-existent today or are very close to market.  These are the wholes in my system that…

My Marine Aquarium Motto: Be Prepared!

I don’t know about you guys, but I like to be prepared for everything, not just for eventualities related to my marine tank, but for everything in life, as I don’t like surprises. Okay, I like some surprises, like once…