Seneye Web Server brings the Seneye probe truly online

The Seneye Web Server is a new box from Seneye which will finally put their nifty monitoring probe online all the time, without the use of a computer. Previously, aquarists interested in getting some real-time updates and levels on their…

Marine Aquarium Acronyms: LFS Defined (Plus 8 Traits of a Good One)

Among marine aquarium enthusiasts, it’s fairly safe to say that no acronym is bandied about with greater frequency than “LFS.” But what exactly does that mean? London Free School? Libertarian Futurist Society? Laughing, Fraudulent Seals? I kid, of course. In…

Zoanthids: Tough as Nails but Powerfully Potent

They belong to genera with names like Zoanthus, Parazoanthus, and Palythoa. They’re sometimes called sea mats, button polyps, or colonial anemones. Reef hobbyists commonly refer to them as “zoas.” Whatever name you apply to them, the zoanthids (family Zoanthidae) enjoy…

Face-to-face with the hyper rare tiger angelfish in nature and the aquarium

Any of the rare fish fanciers out there who’ve kept up with some of my writings know that I have a sort of infatuation with South Africa’s endemic tiger angelfish, Apolemichthys kingi. So, when I got the invitation to come to…

Sustainable Aquatic’s new “Frostbite” Designer Ocellaris Clownfish has us Excited about Genetics!

It appears that Sustainable Aquatics has introduced what may be a first of it’s kind clownfish. This new fish, dubbed the Frostbite, is said to be a crossing of two different mutations, the white (presumably Wyoming White or Fancy White)…

Rare Fish Alert: Ecsenius oculus, the Ocular Blenny

Of all the blennies that can be found in fish stores, the combtooth blennies (Ecenius sp.) are probably the most popular, desirable, hardy and staple of the lot. Many that enter the trade are colorful and cheap enough for all…

Blue Pipe is the norm for South African aquariums

This might be of lesser concern to those of you that don’t install more than one tank every five years, but for the rest of us, where’s our colored pipe? Europe’s got the red pipe, we’re stuck with white or…

Thrive Aquatics WaterLab hosting its own party at MACNA

Thrive Aquatics WaterLab is making a debut at MACNA this year at the reception party hosted by Thrive Aquatics. In case you aren’t familiar with the Thrive WaterLab, this is a new way to test your water through a self-serve…

Innovative Marine Hydrofill ATO system couldn’t be any more user-friendly

Innovative Marine is beginning the rollout of their new Hydrofill auto top off system and every detail indicates that this is one product that will truly live up to the company’s namesake. A four-point sensor system in the Hydrofill ATO…

HydroHandle makes drilling glass aquariums a breeze

There are a dozen and one ways to apply water to drilling glass tanks and aquariums but none compare to the Hydrohandle. When drilling glass aquariums (and marble and stone) it is necessary to apply water to the drilling blade…