Traveling reefer blues and the anxieties of the vacationing aquarist

Piling the kids in the car. The smell of the ocean and coconut sun screen. Getting up in the middle of the night so you can be on the road when there is not much traffic. These are some of…

ResetPlug will reset your router, so you don’t have to

The ResetPlug is a simple gadget that leaps into action when your router or home gateway locks up and cuts off your internet by cycling on and off until your internet connection is restored. In today’s digital age, being able…

Florida reefs are dissolving away faster, earlier than expected

Ocean acidification is much worse than imagined, as the limestone structure that forms the foundation of Florida’s coral reefs are actually dissolving dissolving away sooner than ever expected. According to a new study published in Global Biogeochemical Cycles, research showed the upper…

Monsoon Aquatics, spawning Euphyllia paraancora VIDEO

Monsoon Aquatics from Darwin Australia posted these amazing videos to their Facebook Page of spawning Euphyllia paraancora. The videos clearly show egg bundles accumulating in the hammer shaped tentacles before being released through the polyps central mouth. At least 30…

Dominican Reef, a community for Santo Domingo Reefers

This week we will be traveling through the Dominican Republic documenting Caribbean corals and visiting reef projects around the island. Yesterday we had the opportunity to meet with Jhon H. Morató who runs @Dominican Reef, a reef shop in the…

My new reef tank after three months

As we have all heard time and time again patience is a virtue, and in this hobby it is pretty much mandatory for long-term success. Truth be told, it is not really one of the virtues I am known for.…

5 Marine Aquarium Setup Missteps

Marine aquarium hobbyists can make any number of mistakes when setting up a new system, but some of these errors aren’t as easy as others to rectify after the fact. What follows is a list of five setup errors that…

Rossmont Waver is poised to shake up reef aquarium water flow

The Rossmont Waver has finally been revealed in full detail and you can color us impressed. The Waver is so much more than a simple ‘wavemaker’ as it looks poised to shake up the current status quo of what controllable…

How The Green Fins Toolbox Can Help Dive Operators Protect Coral Reefs

Green Fins is an internationally recognized set of environmental management standards which dive center operators can follow to help protect the marine environment. Green Fins first started in Thailand, and has grow to over 400 dive center in six Asians countries. Green…

Reefer’s eye view of dying corals on the Great Barrier Reef

For the past two to three weeks, the bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef has been all over the news, and there’s hardly a day that goes by that new pictures and reports come in of how dire the situation…