Acidic oceans, not warmer oceans are making it harder for baby corals to survive

We’ve all heard the story, the worlds oceans are become more acidic which is bad news for corals. A new study published Friday in the journal Science Advances suggests that ocean acidification may be affecting the growth rates of baby…

Why is the aquarium hobby so addicting?

We have all heard and know about the addictions that are frequently talked about such as the addictions to drugs, alcohol, gambling, eating, and sex. But in reality virtually anything can be addicting as is the case with seemingly lesser…

The supernatural reef tank of Seabox Aquarium

In October 2014, we visited one of the most beautiful reef tanks we have ever seen, at Seabox Aquarium in Viareggio Italy. These images and video have been ensconced since then but now the time is right for this incredible…

Chimera Heliofungia, a fusion of two long tentacle plate corals

It’s quite rare that we see a long tentacle plate coral which is noteworthy enough to turn heads, but we have a special treat for you today. This incredible Heliofungia actiniformis comes to us from Bali Aquarium who spotted this specimen…

Salty Q&A: What Constitutes a Reef Aquarium?

Question I’m new to saltwater aquarium keeping and struggling to wrap my head around all the different ideas and terminology. For example, what exactly constitutes a reef tank versus a fish-only tank that happens to include a few invertebrates?” –…

How to reach your goals as a Reef Aquarist

This past week, one of my favorite high school teachers passed away. Let me be more specific, he was not one of my favorite teachers while I was actually in high school, as he rode me like a rented mule,…

Aquaforest shows off a field of probiotic Acros

Aquaforest is a new company from Poland that makes an interesting line of reef aquarium additives. Aquaforest products seem to mirror many of the additives we’ve seen from Zeovit and Fauna Marin, but they are really emphasizing the probiotic functions of…

The madness of Photoshop corals

I was recently at a friend’s house who is still relatively new in the hobby and he wanted to show me his new tank and his new additions. Like most of us he was proudest of some the new additions…

Reefbuilders Indonesia Travelogue – How corals get from Farm to Tank

We’ve spent the past two month traveling around Indonesia to answer one question, do you know where your corals come from? To find the answer, we met with coral farmers, dove with coral collectors and toured export facilities in Bali…

Reef Reboot Check-In

Last spring I took on the ridiculous task of rebooting my reef aquarium while expecting a newborn. I am way overdue in writing update. Why the delay? Well, three reasons really. For one, life got really crazy after the baby…