The Perfect Beginner SPS Coral: Seriatopora (Bird’s nest)

If ever one is looking to get into small polyp stony (SPS) corals but is hesitant because of the challenges associated with them, consider an SPS coral from the genus Seriatopora. Seriatopora corals, commonly referred to as bird’s nest corals,…

Underwater time lapse video shows the growth of a reef over 18 months

The Australian Institute of Marine Science has released a time lapse video of Davies Reef in Australia which shows this little patch of the GBR over a period of 18 months. The image quality used to compose the time lapse is not…

Bridging the old & new: revisiting halides after some time with LEDs

Over the last few years, I migrated every reef tank I have to LED, even a little freshwater nano is running LED. I think there is a huge future in LEDs and switching to LED changed my view on lighting…

From the Archives: How to appease the aquarium gods

The gods of coral reef aquariums are wrathful. They do not appreciate any display of confidence, comfort, or excitement for the hobby. You must respect them to succeed in this hobby. Here are some rules I have learned to follow…

Reef Hobby needs YOU: call for comments regarding ESA coral listing

On December 7, 2012, NOAA published a proposed rule in the Federal Register (77 FR 73219) in response to a petition submitted by the Center for Biological Diversity to list 83 reef-building coral species as threatened or endangered under the…

Awesome Fungiid is either Podabacia or a special form of Lithophyllon

Podabacia is a very unique genus of disc corals which is hardly never seen in the aquarium trade, let alone in any interesting color. How are lucky are we then that we stumbled upon an amazing colony of Podabacia motuporensis, in…

Sustainable Aquatics cultured corals coming soon

With a firm mind share of the captive bred aquarium fish market Sustainable Aquatics is now turning its attention to providing cultured corals. For the past couple of weeks Sustainable Aquatics has been teasing a variety of medium sized frags…

Coral fluorescence found to be strong indicator of coral health

Temperature is an important physical parameter to all life, not the least of which corals, and coral fluorescence is really important to us reefers. As it turns out, coral fluorescence and temperature are intimately linked with coral health, in tangible…

Paul K’s reef from Ireland is as colorful as it is impressive

It’s bee a while since we’ve covered a reef from our English speaking cousins, but this reef from Paul K is sure to make any Irish reefer proud. Featuring a large amount of show sized colonies and colorful coral coloration…

Reef Builder of the Month – Jason Crockett

In 2009 I was formally introduced to Jason Crockett who had just purchased a 90-gallon tank and stand from a good friend, David Noller.  After a brief introduction, Jason and I discussed many of the particulars involved with the hobby…