Behind the scenes look at Cortez Tropical Marine’s clarion collection

Tangerine orange coloured clarion angelfishes are one the most well known of Holacanthus, and are becoming a common sight out of Baja imports. Everyone’s familiar with their fiery beauty, and the juveniles that are adorned with metallic blue striations. But…

Triton Reef display tank gets mad flow from two HydroWizard Medium pumps

The incredible slice of reef aquarium skill contained within the Triton Reef display aquarium is exactly the kind of excellence you’d expect to find at the intersection of the Triton Method, Lani LEDs and HydroWizard pumps. We could go round…

2013 Marine Breeder’s Year in Review

It’s the 4th annual installment of the Marine Breeder’s Year in Review (see past installments at 2010, 2011a, 2011b, and 2012) and frankly, it’s been an interesting if not arguably “slow” year for a change, and yet I’ll probably write more…

Coral Eye Candy, Vol. 1

For the first installment of Coral Eye Candy, we bring to you some absolutely stunning macro and extreme macro photos. In addition, you’ll find brief care requirements if you’re interested in keeping anything shown below in your reef aquarium. Enjoy!…

AcroPower is a missing link for increasing coral health and vitality

This review of AcroPower by Two Little Fishes is a rare one for an aquarium additive. Saying an additive does or doesn’t do something it claims with confidence is kind of hit or miss because in most cases, adding anything that…

Vertex Libra Review: by far the most user friendly aquarium dosing pump

It’s fair to say that the first time we saw the Libra dosing pump system from Vertex Aquaristik, we were smitten. A beautiful design encloses the best stepping motors you can drive peristaltic pump heads with, and a smart controller…

New Crowdfunding project tackles the dreaded AEFW

Even the hardiest and most seasoned aquarium veterans are susceptible to the dreaded acropora eating flatworm(AEFW), only recently described as Amakusaplana acroporae. The dreaded AEFW can devastate an aquarium relatively quickly taking years of growth out in a matter of…

Tales from Thailand: Chingchai’s incredible DSPS tank

Having just returned from an amazing trip in Bangkok, it would almost be considered criminal if we weren’t going to spill and share on the reefing goodies this amazing city has to offer. Like our previous recount of BlueHarbor in…

Cairn’s Marine adds another feather to its cap with this stunning super male Pseudanthias flavicauda

Pseudanthias flavicauda is a member of the “randalli species complex”, where excluding various unnamed species, contains three members. Of which two species, P. flavicauda and P. randalli, are Pacific in distribution while P. pulcherrimus is restricted to the Indian Ocean.…

Simultaneous coral spawning at ORA indicates their broodstock is in prime health

Coral spawning in aquaria is rare and it’s hard enough to catch. For a recent visit to their coral greenhouses, luck was on ORA’s favor as they happened to be in the right place at the right time to catch…