The Ebeye Special Acro – a new ‘shortcake’ from Kwajalein Atoll

Acropora microclados is a wide ranging species of stony coral that is better known to aquarists via the “Strawberry Shortcake”. However, last month while diving all around Kwajalein Atoll we came across a striking new strain of this iconic coral…

6 Ways to Prevent Photoshock in Aquarium Corals

Many of the corals and other sessile invertebrates we keep in reef aquariums are considered “photosynthetic,” meaning much of their nutrition is produced by photosynthetic algae (zooxanthellae) residing in their tissues. Thus, there is a direct link between the type…

Awesome Fish Spotlight: Chelmonops truncatus

Today’s Awesome Fish Spotlight features a lesser seen member of the butterflyfish clad that hails only from Australia – the only country that’s also a continent. Australia is so awesome it can call itself whatever it wants, and because of…

Stony coral gems of Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands

We’re writing to you live from the reefs of Ebeye Island at Kwajalein Atoll in the Republic of the Marshall Islands. We know a lot about the Marshall Islands for their rare and endemic reef fish and especially wrasses, but…

Tank Profile: Paul B’s 40+ Year Old Saltwater Aquarium

When it comes to standing the test of time, few aquariums have more history than Paul Baldassano’s 100-gallon glass box. Ask any aquarist who has spent time on internet forums, and they’ve likely encountered Paul (more commonly known as Paul…

Corals touching in aquariums is not the end of the world

It’s easy to get caught up in aquarium dogma and the reefing world is no different with prescribed military food tray style separation of all corals. But in practice the interactions between corals that are similar, and between those that…

Astreopora and Cyphastrea—So Similar, Yet Different

A few years ago, if you asked me about Astreopora or Cyphastrea, I probably would not have a whole lot to contribute to the discussion. They were (and still are to a large degree) some of the most rare corals…

Kessil A150WE Amazon Sun and 360WE Tuna Sun announced this weekend

The Kessil A150WE and 360WE Tuna Sun are two new LED spotlights announced this weekend, one of which was first demoed at ReefStock in Denver Colorado. Like the Tuna Blue that Kessil first released to the marine aquarium hobby with…

Three Old School corals that are still really cool to grow

There are many SPS corals available to the eager advanced hobbyist today. Far more than we ever had 10 years ago. I remember when the reef community was a much smaller one, a lot like a small town where everyone…

Cycloseris boschmai is the smallest free living disc coral to date

There’s a new species of Cycloseris on the block and this one is distinguished by how small it remains. Growing up to only two inches (50mm) in diameter, Cyloseris boschmai was recently, finally described after more than three decades of…