Neat photosynthetic blue sponge likes to live among stony corals

Corals command so much of the spotlight when it comes to aquariums, it’s easy for us reefers to forget that there’s an incredible diversity of other creatures that populate the reef environment. One such critter that caught our attention on the…

Convict chalice Echinophyllia documented in its natural habitat

Convict chalice corals are specimens of Echinophyllia plating colonies with a very distinctive series of stripes running usually from the edge of the oral disc (mouth) to the colonie’s edges. The lines of convict chalice corals can be very dark, or…

Get ready for lots of exciting stories from the Fluval Sea Flores Expedition

We’re back from the Flores Sea with loads of exciting observations and documentation on the reefs of this part of Indonesia. With support from Fluval Sea and no less than nine months of planning, we succeeded in diving and surveying and…

MACNA adds trio of pioneering marine scientists to speaker lineup

MACNA 2014 just got a little better with the addition of three pioneering marine scientists to its already impressive speaker lineup. The Board of Directors just announced the addition of these three speakers: Dr. Todd LaJeunesse (a pioneer in the field…

A powerful multichip LED fixture and mechanical filter roll from HP Aquaristik

HP Aquaristik is a new brand to us, and they caught our eye with their ‘REEF perfect clear’ roller style mechanical filter and ‘Future lighting’ multichip fixtures. The ‘REEF perfect clear’ is their take on a roller mat style filter, similar…

Good at Gardening? Try Reefkeeping!

Having once worked in the nursery and landscaping business, it often occurs to me that there are a surprising number of similarities between terrestrial gardening/landscaping and reefkeeping. I would even suggest that, in some ways, reefkeeping has more in common…

Top 5 magnified viewing accessories for seeing more of your aquarium

There’s so much cool new, colorful and interesting things to see in our reef aquariums these days, if you don’t have at least one form of visual enhancement, you’re probably missing out on a lot. As acute observers of the…

Turbinaria heronensis – an incredible story of coral comeback

I’ve been personally fascinated with Turbinaria heronensis ever since the first time I saw one in a book, but never could I have believed that I would ever get my hands on a whole colony of this fantastic species. Looking more…

Giant staghorn corals so big they make you feel small

There are staghorn acros and then there are STAGHORN corals! It is astounding to see the massive size that some species can reach in their preferred habitat amnd stumble upon the kinds of gargantuan ship-grounding sizes the colonies and their…

Kwajalein’s Montipora sp. “likatu” comes in three different polyps colors

Kajalein Atoll is a veritable paradise of SPS corals, and if you couldn’t tell already, there’s plenty of Acropora to go around. But we’re not leaving out the unique Montis of the Central Pacific region, it’s just taken us a…