Super Scopas is the Australian Version of a Yellow Tang

Zebrasoma scopas, or midnight sailfin tang as they are known in Australia, are a fairly abundant reef dwelling fish that is found on the Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea as well as much of the greater Indian and Pacific…

Show soft corals some love with a shallow lagoon tank

We don’t show enough of our tanks from the other side of the Atlantic so I thought I would show my own little project from the UK – this 200 liter/52 gallon soft coral-dominated lagoon tank. It was devised over…

Pyronotanthias, Nemanthias and Mirolabrichthys help to Sort Out the ‘Classic’ Anthias Species

Anthiadines have had a taxonomic shake-up this week with 18 Anthias species being reclassified into three other genera, one of which is completely new. Dr Anthony Gill of the University of Sydney has been sifting through what was the sixty-plus species…

Yellow Koi Scopas Tang is a Filipino Banana Split

Zebrasoma scopas is a widespread but highly variable surgeonfish species, with unusual color aberrations that are prized by the reefkeeping world. The Indian and Pacific Oceans have produced many freaks over the years from as far apart as Kenya to…

2021 Blue Harbor Calendar Steps it up with Interactive QR Codes

The Blue Harbor Calendar has been the time keeping tool for the global inner reefing community for over a decade. We’ve celebrated this awesome collection of rare reef fish photos for many years but there’s some new reasons to look…

Black and white Penguin tang is the latest aberrant Scopas to appear

Reefbuilders is the home of saltwater color morphs and has covered more koi, calico, yellow and piebald Scopas tangs than anyone else. So let us introduce you to our next example of polychromatism in Zebrasoma scopas, the Bicolor.

Get Inspired by the Minimal Aquascapes Exhibit at the Sumida Aquarium

Part of the beauty of aquariums of all sorts is that they are open to interpretation and inspiration from any number of angles. We’ve seen Oliver Knott’s Hallelujah Mountains with floating aquascape elements, Wesley Vreeswijk meticulous coral arrangements, and nano…

Wild Aberrant Scopas Tang Discovered in Kenya

Aberrant Zebrasoma tangs come in many different varieties; there’s ‘koi’ scopas tangs, calico scopas, yellow scopas, piebald and white yellow tangs, but today’s spotlight falls on a very unusual piebald scopas tang. This curious specimen photographed by Dawn Goebbels in…

Update on the Mysterious ‘Zebra Tang’ from Bali Aquarich

Several weeks ago we were reported on a mysterious ‘Zebra Tang’ hybrid that came out of Mr Su farm. News from the Mysterious Zebra Tang: Last weekend we returned to Bali Aquarich to check on this fish again, and we…

Novaculops compressus, a New Species from Japan Joins the Razor Wrasses

Novaculops compressus is a new species of the small group of razor wrasses that are fun and different from the usual aquarium labrids. Unlike the usual fairies and flasher wrasses, the razor wrasses are uniquely adapted to take shelter in…