Survival on the reef part 2: Cover and concealment

In our previous installation of reef creatures and their survival techniques, we talked about mimicry and how certain mimics have evolved to copy their models for protection. In this second part, we take a look at animals who display protective…

DVH Coral Protec is a new coral dip from Europe

DVH Coral Protec is a new coral dip from Europe that is making its way across the pond and into the US market. Although there is no shortage of coral pest eradicating products on the market not every one is…

Friday Smorgasbord: Why fish smell, stupid human tricks, circuit pen, cold corals, nudis and more

Welcome to this addition of the Friday Smorgasbord. We have a few fun ones lined up for you today. Ever wonder what makes fish smell, well fishy? It has to do with the natural process of decay and some physiology…

Dr. G’s SPS & LPS Coral Dip Solution

Dr. G’s SPS & LPS Coral Dip Solution is an aptly named coral dip with a new take on how to cleanse corals before putting them in the aquarium. Dr. G’s Coral Dip Solution does not use pine oils or…

Reef Builders Spotlight: Jesus Larralde of Farside Tropicals

Here at ReefBuilders, we occasionally shine the spotlight on people who have an impact on the marine aquarium hobby with recognition of a “Reef Builder Spotlight”. This month, we’re featuring Jesus Larralde the president of Farside Tropicals based in Miami, Florida. I was first introduced to…

Glenn Fong reefs his own way; the ‘Dutch Synthetic Reef Method’

Recently, I visited Glenn Fong (GlennF on the interwebs) who keeps a number of reef- and marine tanks in his home. Glenn is a full-blooded hobbyist, I counted nearly ten aquaria in his living room, including a system in which…

Video of Melibe colemani documents this impossible-looking animal

When we first wrote about the description of the incredible looking Melibe colemani, we couldn’t wrap our heads around the appearance of this extraordinary nudibranch. Still images of Melibe colemani look like a strange mass of thin pasta threads just coagulated…

Dr. G’s getting busy, adds Coral Dip to the equation

Dr. G’s Marine Aquaculture has been busy lately and just added another product unveiling the Dr.G’s SPS & LPS Coral Dip Solution on Facebook. The company describes the product as touch on parasites but gentle on coral tissues. Among the…

The Alaskan reefs feature some staggering beauty [VIDEO]

The myriad of seapens, the field of anemones, the mesmerizing kelp in the wave and the unbelievable closeups of invertebrates including a variety of shrimps, crabs, and hermit crabs, truly make this Alaska dive video a sight to behold. The…

Friday Smorgasbord: Strange jellyfish, shark schools and more

March is here and as much of the country is just getting over a massive series of snow storms, it feels like spring will never get here! Have no fear, since we have some fascinatingly strange news to share today…