Search Results For: cairns marine
Illlumagic LED Lights get ‘Certified’ for lighting Australian Acros
Illumagic Makes Killer LED Lights For Nanos, Reef Displays, & Commercial Scale
Illumagic is a Taiwanese company that has been making LED aquarium lights about as long as all the major players in the aquarium hobby. Being separate from mainland China, Europe and North America, Illumagic has really been able to develop…
Ricordea yuma Are Still Some Of The Showiest Shrooms In The Hobby
As the reef aquarium hobby has become gripped by the current craze for mushroom anemones or corallimorphs, we’ve seen all different types of these polyps become exalted and highly sought after. Better known as ‘Shrooms’, the Discosoma and Rhodactis have been appearing…
Corals As Colorful As This Lobophyllia Shouldn’t Exist!
You know we’ve covered our fair share of sensational corals in our many years of blogging but there’s always a coral out there which is ready to raise the bar and blow our minds. The latest incomprehensibly colorful coral comes to…
I Saw A White Bicolor Angelfish And It Was Magical
When I traveled from Sydney to Cairns to visit Cairns Marine, I knew I’d be treated to see some very neat rare fish, and some juicy corals. But as luck would have it, the fish collecting crew brought in something…
An Unforgettable Close Encounter With Centropyge abei
As you may have noticed in the last couple of weeks, we’ve been touring the east coast of Australia with stops at many notable aquarium businesses. In addition to seeing a ton of great reef stores in Sydney and Brisbane,…
Abei Angelfish Collected in the Coral Sea
The Abei Angelfish, Centropyge abei, is a reef fish so rare that most of us, ourselves included, have never seen one in real life. To date, your only chance to see a living Abei Angelfish has been at the Waikiki Aquarium…
Truncatoflabellum veroni, this unseen azoox coral makes reef aquarium debut
Truncatoflabellum is a genus of Azoox corals so obscure, and rarely documented (alive), that we never had hope of seeing specimens in our aquariums. Thankfully, Cairns Marine, purveyor of so much exotic marine life from Australia has scored again by…
Orange coral beauty collected in Philippines
The Coral Beauty is one of the most common and widely beloved species of pygmy angelfish. Centropyge bispinosa is collected and exported for the aquarium market by the thousands every year, and for the most part there is only subtle variation…