Whatafather reef from Hong Kong is a thing of beauty

There are tanks that are awesome for their fish and coral, and then there are tanks that are awesome because of their cleanliness along with the fish and coral. The Reef of Hong Kong reef forum user Whatafather definitely falls…

Hongtam’s reef aquarium in Hong Kong takes the display refugium to a whole new level

The display refugiums is a neat concept in itself, but this display “refugium” takes things to a whole other level. This aquarium is  not really a refugium at all since it lacks macro algae and the purpose of nutrient export,…

Lawrence Chan’s SPS reef from Hong Kong

Lawrence Chan’s SPS reef is just a plain nice looking SPS dominated aquarium. Great coloration, enough room for the corals to grow and a big hammer dominating the scape make this aquarium a pleasure to look at. Located in Hong…

The highly elusive and beautiful Bodianus opercularis surfaces in Hong Kong

The Bodianus hogfishes get loads of quality air time here at ReefBuilders, and for good reason. Hogfish are gorgeous, rare, easy to keep and overall a group of very hardy fish that can withstand the rumble and tumble of a…

Hong Kong scores with two butterflyfish demigods – Prognathodes basabei and Roa excelsa

Apart from FOWLR dominated set ups and the typical over-stocked fish tanks that have fast become a stereotype there, the reefing scene of Hong Kong is well known for another aspect of the hobby – the ability to procure rare…

Small Tigerpyge hybrid angelfish imported to Hong Kong by Red Heart King

This super cute Tigerpyge anelfish just surfaced in Hong Kong where it was imported by a marine fish outfit called Red Heart King. The striping on this individual is very broad at this small size but we expect that with…

Bubble Pioneer cone skimmer from Hong Kong

Here you thought that Europe and America were the only places to find a cone skimmer. This Bubble Pioneer skimmer which is awfully close to the phrase “Bubble King” but not the same  is another skoner that uses a specially…

Identity Theft! False Cleanerfishes In The Reefing Hobby

Wholesalers, LFS owners, and fellow hobbyists, let me tell you something. This freaky thing might well be lurking in your holding pens and display tanks, hidden in plain sight. What even is this? Why would this very real threat be…

Pagoda Cup Coral: The Duncan Coral That Never Was

The Duncan coral has always been a staple in the reef aquarium hobby. Despite not having really vibrant colors or any funky name, the Duncan coral still manages to find its way into almost every LFS, as well as the…

Ostorhinchus Cardinalfishes are suitable for reef tanks of all sizes

When we speak about cardinalfishes within the reef aquarium hobby, most people relate to the classic Pajama Cardinalfish, Sphaeramia nematoptera, or the Bangaii Cardinalfish, Pterapogon kauderni, which have been popular fish for reef tanks of all sizes for decades now.…