Blueface X Sixbar Hybrid Angelfish Lands at Iwarna Aquafarm

A beautiful angelfish hybrid has landed at Singapore-based livestock retailer Iwarna Aquafarm. Thought to be a cross between a Blueface Angelfish, Pomacanthus xanthometopon, and a Sixbar Angelfish, Pomacanthus sexstriatus, this large angel lovechild features the yellow eye mask, blue pelvic…

Hoplolatilus oreni Arrives at Iwarna Aquafarm

Hoplolatilus oreni is an interesting, beautiful and colorful species of tilefish that we had never even heard of before fall of last year. Before that fateful photo was taken in South Africa, the deepwater Hoplolatilus oreni was only known from…

Incredibly rare Cirrhilabrus hybrid from RVS FishWorld lands in Iwarna Aquafarm, Singapore

The amazing wrasse pictured above is an incredibly rare fusion between two already rare species. The yet to be described Pintail fairy wrasse (Cirrhilabrus cf. lanceolatus) and the also difficult to obtain Crescent tail fairy wrasse (C. lunatus) sometimes hybridizes…

Iwarna Aquafarm provides last minute candy canes of the aquatic kind

The holidays are in full swing and besides being a legal excuse to put on weight, it’s also a time to indulge in a little something extra. All in the spirit of holiday cheer, of course. The fish deities know…

Golden Nebula Angelfish is a Griffis x GoldFlake Backcross Hybrid

Singapore fish store Iwarna Aquafarm is showing off a stunning hybrid angelfish that we believe to be a cross between the Griffis Angelfish, Apolemichthys griffisi, and a Goldflake/Griffis hybrid (A.xanthopunctatus x A.griffisi). The Apolemichthys genus includes many beautiful and highly…

Serpentine Gobies are a Rare Import from Japan

Singaporean retailer Iwarna Aquafarm is offering an interesting fish originating from the temperate shores of Japan. Pterogobius elapoides goes by several names including Serpentine Goby, Brown Barred Hover Goby, or simply Kinubari in Japan, and it hangs out in rocky…

Psychedelic Rainbow Umbrella is the most colorful Discosoma neglecta we’ve seen

Umbrella mushrooms are often green, brown, or mottled and as such aren’t highly coveted by the shroom world, but this specimen displayed by Iwarna Aquafarm in Singapore stopped our scrolling fingers in their tracks. Discosoma neglecta is a corallimorph that…

The Hybrid Beauty, Blue Phantom Angelfish by Poma Labs

Guest Author – Ken Kwan Back in 2019, Poma Labs revealed a new hybrid angelfish called the blue phantom. A hybrid between the beautiful Blue Line Angelfish (Chaetodontoplus septentrionalis), and the Black Phantom angelfish (Chaetodontoplus sp)., a distinctive and very dark…

Pseudocheilinus citrinus, the First ‘Yellow Mystery Wrasse’ Enters the Aquarium Hobby

Pseudocheilinus citrinus is a gorgeous little wrasse from the south Pacific that is so rare we knew of only a few images of this fish until now. Iwarna Aquafarm, a Singapore based purveyor of rare fish from all over the…

Get A Look at this Rainbow Carpet Anemone!

Back in my day, bright blue or purple carpet anemones were the bee’s knees, and I distinctly remember where I was when I heard there were RED carpet anemones, and again when I first saw one. That’s all ancient history now because…