Vertex Omega Cone skimmer leads the pack for AC powered internal designs

Although the first introduction to the Vertex Omega Cone skimmer was a recirculating model with a huge recirculating pump, what Vertex has settled on with the simply internal Omega skimmer is perhaps one of the best new reef toys of…

New Aquamedic Turboflotor 5000 is like a (revamped) blast from the past

Every new skimmer nowadays seems to feature some unique design whether DC pumps, integrated volutes, pipeless designs or a combination of the three, but new Aquamedic Turboflotor? Not so much. Instead Aquamedic decided to go with some good ol’ fashioned…

Five things reef aquarists can expect in 2013

2012 was a good year for the aquarium industry, and companies kept the team of writers at Reef Builders more than busy by releasing post worthy new products. LED lighting is inching towards being the mainstream lighting technology, we saw…

Nyos Nitrate test kit has easily read scale and takes only two steps

Nyos is a budding high end marine aquarium product company which first broke onto the reef scene with some private-labelled cone protein skimmers for Europe, but they’ve been busy developing a whole suite of original goods. The Nyos Viper water…

The PLS-100 Review: CAD Lights’ new pipeless skimmer

The new pipe-less skimmer by CAD lights is definitely a shakeup in skimmer design, and a heck of a space saver. Any design that reduces skimmer footprint is progress of skimmer evolution, as it will lead to incorporating larger skimmers…

Reef Octopus Professional Open Volute is another space saving skimmer with DC pump

The Professional Open Volute (POV) from Reef Octopus is the latest protein skimmer to feature a DC pump. With a space saving design, and internal DC pump it strongly reminds us of the new semi-pipeless Skimz Monzter VSC series we…

Black Friday deals galore for your hobbyist needs

It’s that time of year again as we settle in for a Thanksgiving feast followed up with the holiday shopping insanity. Many of us would LOVE to forgo the new sweater, robe, slippers or other boring gifts and in turn…

Royal Exclusiv now selling pumps and sumps direct on its slick new website

In a new development which is sure to excite the reef aquarium gearheads, Royal Exclusiv hasĀ justĀ given its dusty old geocities-era website a complete makeover with more than a superficial outcome. On the new website you’ll find a modern web…

Vertex V-Colla Viola epoxy wants to secure your frags

The new Vertex Aquaristik V-Colla Viola reef-safe epoxy is a new two-part epoxy designed to be reef safe and help keep cloudiness out of the system. Developed in Germany in conjunction with GlueTec, the epoxy not only will not cloud…

Hands on review of the Sea Side Aquatics ES5 Protein Skimmer

Sea side Aquatics has been bringing in the popular Bubble Magus line of skimmers for a while now. The one thing about the Bubble Magus series that could use improvement was the skimmer pump. Some folks were having issues with…