Some aberrant saltwater fish can be a bit dirty looking, while others like this recently caught Piebald specimen can be instant show stoppers. It was caught in the Indian Ocean off Sumatra at a depth of 14 feet, where it…
Wild Aberrant Scopas Tang Discovered in Kenya
Aberrant Zebrasoma tangs come in many different varieties; there’s ‘koi’ scopas tangs, calico scopas, yellow scopas, piebald and white yellow tangs, but today’s spotlight falls on a very unusual piebald scopas tang. This curious specimen photographed by Dawn Goebbels in…
Mysterious ‘Zebra Tang’ Created by Bali Aquarich
During our most recent monthly visit to Mr Su at the Bali Aquarich facility in North Bali, we were greeted by the cutest little juvenile tang we’ve ever seen. This single individual is a one of a kind fish, a…
Black Hippo Tang Scored by Professional Fish Keepers
Regal blue tang, blue hippo tang, Paracnathurus hepatus, or Dory, whatever you call them we can all agree this fish is supposed to be blue. As it turns out not all blue or hippo tangs get that memo and once in…
White Chocolate is a White, Yellow & Scopas Tang All In One
Casper the white tang might be the most famous surgeonfish in the world but World Wide Corals has been conditioning a new superstar in their stable of awesome tangs. A little over a year ago WWC added two piebald Zebrasoma, with the…
Ultimate Aberrant Yellow Tang Teased By LiveAquaria
Do you know how cool a particular fish has to be for LiveAquaria’s own Director Kevin Kohen to get in front of the camera to tell us all about it? It’s got to be something at least as cool as a wildly…
First good pictures of the newest wicked colored koi scopas tang
The wicked koi scopas tang is alive and well in the United States and we’ve got the first pictures of this fish from an actual camera. The nearly one-of-a-kind Zebrasoma scopas was conditioned in Jakarta after its collection in Java and…
Hotspot of aberrant scopas tangs discovered south west of Java
Aberrant scopas tangs, also known as koi tangs and tricolor tangs are very unique form of the Zebrasoma scopas surgeonfish. A normal scopas tang is a fairly easy fish to overlook with a spade shaped body outline that has a basic…
Tricolor Scopas strikes again
The large mutated tricolor scopas tang just pulled up in Bali by Neptune Fish is the nicest tricolor surgeonfish we’ve seen since we featured the nice tricolor scopas tang from Southwest Marines, UK. This particular tricolor scopas has a striking…