How a Cooling Fan Can Save Your Tank from Overheating

If you’re new to reefing there’s so much to learn about keeping corals alive, but one of the fundamentals – more important even than KH and phosphate, more important even than light and flow, is temperature. It’s not the cold…

Hydros Launch combines a lot into One Single Controller

Launch is the latest tempting addition to the Hydros controller range from Coralvue which combines a lot of useful control and monitoring features into one single box. Our three main monitoring needs are temperature, pH, and salinity, and Launch comes…

Xepta Abex gets a facelift and a feature update

It’s been three and a half years since we covered Xepta’s water testing machine but the Abex is now available to complete and accompany the Xepta Autobalance. The Autobalance alone is one of the more complete KH monitors and controllers.…

Samsung Upcycling can turn your old Galaxy phone into an aquarium controller

Samsung is starting a new “Upcycling” initiative to turn old smartphones and turn them into something brand new and one of the examples they are showcasing is an aquarium controller. The premise is pretty simple, smartphone manufacturers have done a…

New AquaPro Aquarium Monitor Appears on Indigogo

The new Aquapro aquarium monitor is the latest in a string of new devices aiming to simplify the experience of keeping a healthy aquarium at home. In addition to monitoring basic parameters like pH, temperature and salinity, the Aquapro is…

Mindstream Aquarium Monitor is alive and coming soon

The Mindstream Aquarium Monitoring System is a groundbreaking new device that was first announced in late 2013, but then went completely radio silent for all of last year. The Mindstream Monitor turned a lot of heads by promising to be…

Fishbit aquarium monitor and controller launches at CES

The Fishbit is a new aquarium controller and monitor which aims to simplify the process of keeping tabs on your aquarium when you are not around. Fishbit takes a radically different approach to aquarium monitoring by combining all the important sensors…

Seneye Web Server now available worldwide

The Seneye Web Server is a new device from Seneye which will finally put the Seneye aquarium probe online in a stand alone fashion. It’s odd to call the Seneye Web Server and “accessory” for the Seneye Probe since the…

Using the HD Dropcam Pro to spy on three aquariums at once

Web cameras for home monitoring are nothing new but recently, the feature set and ease of use of the Dropcam series of IP cameras have made it incredibly simple to install and apply. We recently picked up the new Dropcam…

Seneye Web Server brings the Seneye probe truly online

The Seneye Web Server is a new box from Seneye which will finally put their nifty monitoring probe online all the time, without the use of a computer. Previously, aquarists interested in getting some real-time updates and levels on their…