Can You Make It as a Fish Breeder?

Probably, but few want to after realizing how much time it takes. Most hobbyists know nearly all clownfish sold are captive-bred. You may wonder what it takes to do it yourself. Your favorite fish store certainly has lots and while…

How Mouthbrooding Fish Evolved Multiple Times

Breeding aquarium fish can be one of the pinnacles of aquarium success but several groups of fish including jawfish and cardinalfish make it much easier due to one quirk of their parental care, mouthbrooding. Any one who’s kept african cichlids…

Cuteness Overload while Touring Bali Aquarich

Since I live in Bali, only three hours drive from the best ornamental marine fish breeder in the world, I get to visit him on a regular basis. Mr. Wen-Ping Su has been breaking the news of all aquarium related…

Breeder tackles the challenging finespotted jawfish at Tokyo aquarium

Persistence and thoughtfulness has helped marine biologist Kentaro Amemiya of Tokyo Sea Life Park succeed in rearing the unusual finespotted jawfish (Opistognathus punctatus) in captivity. Regardless of breeding success coming from the scientific world or the hobbyist side, each advancement…

Grunt Breeding 101 – Courtesy of Rising Tide

“French Grunt (Haemulon flavolineatum) is well suited to commonplace aquaculture techniques. The larvae are large at first feeding and readily accept rotifers as an initial diet. Post metamorphosis growth is rapid with juveniles reaching 2 inches in just under 3…

Breeding and Propagation Workshop is a unique one-two punch presented by Bay Area Reefers

The Bay Area Reefers are hosting a workshop on fish breeding and coral propagation this weekend putting together a nice one-two punch for sustainability for the hobby and have brought in two great speakers to lead each side of the…

Rayfish Footwear controversial maker of genetically-modified stingray shoes or elaborate hoax?

Rayfish Footwear is a unique company claiming to hail from Thailand that allows you to choose your own unique pattern for shoes by using a genetically modified stingray as the source for your custom, one-of-a-kind design. You pick the pattern…

Part 2 of a 2011 Marine Breeder’s Year In Review

The first installment of our 2011 Marine Breeder’s Year in Review was probably more breeding news than you thought could have happened in a single year.  Suprisingly invertebrates, new breeding products, and clownfish releases like the one pictured above only…

2011 Marine Breeder’s Year In Review, Part 1

Just over a year ago, as I wrapped up the 2010 Marine Breeding review, I found myself wondering if 2011 would build exponentially on the successes of 2010.  2011 was another year in which we all learned from what we…

MRC Mini Kreisels for pelagic culture of marine life

They’re what every marine breeder really wanted, but didn’t get, for the holidays.  MRC’s made-to-order mini kreisels feature all the sex appeal of [insert name of your favorite exotic sports car here].  This is not, we repeat, is not your…