The Crown Jewel of ANY Aquarium: An Overview of the Royal Gramma

This vibrantly colored fish makes an excellent addition to saltwater aquariums; it is hardy, and relatively low maintenance, which makes it ideal for both beginners and experienced aquarists alike. The Royal Gramma (Gramma loreto) is a calm and rather shy…

Close Encounters With Three Amazing Grammas

People often ask me what my favorite reef fish and they’re often surprised to learn that the common, run of the mill royal gramma is definitely at the top of my list. Fish don’t have to be exotic to be…

Captive Bred Royal Grammas Coming Soon to Australia

The royal gramma is such a common and low profile fish, that news of this fish’s successful breeding may not register on the popularity radar. However if you are a fan of Gramma dejongi, or live in Australia, captive bred royal…

Fun graphic shows difference between a royal gramma and a royal dottyback

In the world of tropical reef fish, there are numerous examples of convergent evolution, where unrelated and widely separated fish develop the same color and shape. The similarity between some cases of convergent evolution can be so similar between these fishes. Starcki…

Gramma dejongi hybrid is the star of a visit to DeJong Marinelife

Gramma dejongi is a super new and rare little reef fish which we have written about extensively but there has been much less information regarding the inevitable cross between DeJong’s gramma and the royal gramma, Gramma loreto. Right before InterZoo…