Mobius Wireless Module (MXM) will Marry Ecotech & Apex Gear

The Mobius Wireless Module (MXM) is a new control box from Neptune Systems that will finally allow users of the Apex controller to control and manage their Mobius-compatible Ecotech Marine and Aqua Illumination products through the Fusion software. This new…

Kelvin Spectrum Slider Appears in Mobius Control App

One of the absolute most important things we love in most LED lights is the ability to have fine granular control over the light spectrum by manipulating different color channels. We don’t need to fine tune the lighting color over…

Seadreams Teases The Maldive Project A Custome All In One Aquarium

Last week we showed you the Seadreams biological filter reactor, and alongside aquarium equipment, this artisanal Spanish manufacturer also creates complete reef systems. If you’re looking for a unique customizable aquarium, Seadreams might just well be the setup for you.…

Ecotech Vortech and Vectra Pumps Start Shipping With Mobius Software

Mobius is a new software control platform that Ecotech Marine has been working on literally for years. The development of Mobius has been in beta testing for a very long time, only recently releasing to the wider public with the launch…

Exclusive Video with Radion G5 Pro & Blue Designer Justin Lawyer

The Radion G5 Blue & Pro was just announced today by Ecotech Marine and it includes a laundry list of new upgrades and improvements. The larger XR30 Radion G5 is packing one hundred discrete LEDs plus two more for a new…

Ecotech Upgrade Chip Hints at the Future of Mobius

A new upgrade chip has just popped up in the Ecotech Marine parts store with the very curious title of ‘Mobius Capable RF Module’. We recently learned from a recent presentation by Pat Klasen and Jay Sperandio that all Ecotech…

Mobius App Now Live for Versa Pump Control

It’s been a long time coming but finally the first full version of the Mobius control app is available in the Apple and Google stores. For at least a year Ecotech Marine has been working on a grand unifying platform called…

Versa Dosing Pump Spotted in the Wild

Despite quietly leaking their plans for a utility dosing pump called the Versa, and having a prominent booth at MACNA 2019, Ecotech marine newest creation was not exactly ‘on display’ in Orlando. However, curious Reef Builders readers who were keen…

Mobius, Ecotech Marine’s New Control Platform Goes into Beta Testing

Mobius is a brand new control platform that Ecotech Marine has been hard at work building for several years, and now it’s in the final phases of testing. Ecotech has been using very capable microchips in its smart Vortech pumps,…