Levi’s Deepwater Reef Tank

Deepwater organisms have always had a special place in my heart. In this article, we are going to explore my “Deepwater Reef”.  First things first, what is generally considered to be “deepwater”? Many people have their opinions on this, but I…

How to Care for Non-Photosynthetic Soft Corals

Reef Builders Field Reporter Evie Lyn Hale flew out to Quality Goldfish in Clearwater, Florida, to catch up with new Reef Builders contributor Levi Peterson. As well as working for a coral wholesaler Levi has developed a passion for Florida…

New Tubastrea Species Discovered in Hong Kong: T. dendroida, T. violacea & T. chloromura

It’s not everyday we get to learn about new species of corals, most of the recent description being of newly discovered soft, Octocoral species, but today we celebrate three new inductees to the Scleractinia hard corals. The three new described…

Reef Tanks of Instagram are Beauty Magazines all over again

“Do not read beauty magazines. They will only make you feel ugly.” These iconic words appeared in the “Wear Sunscreen” address given to graduates in 1997 by Mary Schmich of the Chicago Tribune and were later popularised by Australian film…

Truncatoflabellum veroni Bouquet at Gallery Aquatica

The reef aquarium hobby is overwhelmingly dominated by photosynthetic coral species but azooxanthellate corals are incredibly abundant and diverse, just not so much in the shallow waters where ornamental corals are collected. One of the exceptions is the very interesting…

Coenocyathus sebroecki, a New Species of Azoox Coral from Brazil

Coenocyathus sebroecki is a new species of non-photosynthetic scleractinian coral from Brazil that was surprisingly discovered in reasonably shallow depth. Unlike so many descriptions of new azoox coral before it, we have clear photographs of both the clean coral skeleton…