Aquarium Safety: How to Identify and Remove Dangerous Palythoa Corals

As someone who makes a living growing and distributing aquarium corals, I am always on the lookout for exciting new varieties. Among the myriad groups of corals, Zoanthids are always among the most popular. It was with this mentality that…

Fragging Sun Polyps and Sniping Aiptasia [Video]

When we buy coral frags, we invariably look forward to the day that they reach a mature size and are eventually ready for making more frags but in the case of Palythoa grandis, you may be waiting a very long time.…

Palythoa grandis – Sun Polyps are Our Favorite Zoanthids!

Palythoa grandis, also known as the Sun Polyp (not to be confused with sun coral), is a distinctive species of very large zoanthids which we have cherished for years. These unmistakable zoanthids are the largest species of Palythoa by a…

Texas Man Dies from Apparent Exposure to Palytoxin

Palytoxin from zoanthids is a well known and widely documented potential danger from our reef aquariums that we have tried to keep in focus many times over the years. Toxicologists have ranked palytoxin as one of the most dangerous natural…

Japan Is Getting In On the Zoanthid Craze

Coral Monster has made a splash for some remarkable (and expensive) corals before – but in what we think is a first for Japan, they’ve got some Hype zoanthid strain which is right up there with the best of them.…

Palytoxin Nearly Killed my Family and Pets!

A traumatic event happened at my house this week. My family and pets became very sick and in the dogs case, near death. A chain of events lead to my house being filled with aerosolized Palytoxin. This week’s event in…

Minimix Of Aquatic Art’s Zoanthid Collection!

You know, for years I always described myself as not a zoanthid nut, I mean I really like them but not in the same granular detail that self described zoanthid collectors might entertain. But something has changed recently as I’ve found…

How to Frag Zoanthids

The vast array of color morphs of the easily kept zoanthids and palythoas show why reefers are so drawn to them. The constant desire to have the next named color morph keeps you invested and involved in the hobby. Let’s…

Abstract Zoanthid poster is a no-brainer KickStarter project

Everyone loves Zoanthids and Palythoas and we can’t think of a better subject than our beloved polyps to star in their own poster feature. We’ve seen abstracted butterflyfish in their very own poster featuring all the of the species and…

‘Clown Face’ zoanthids are part of a whole new breed of Palythoa

Zoanthids are some of the most popular and collectable group of corals for the home aquarium. We’ve never personally been sucked into the zoanthid craze but we’ve always reserved a greater amount of interest and respect for the larger polyped Palythoa…