The hybrid of multibar and venusta angelfish is the only one known from the Paracentropyge genus and it is also one of the rarest, and most highly sought after. On average, only one specimen is discovered in the Philippines roughly…
Bali Aquarich Teases a Fresh Crop of New Captive Bred Angelfish
Mr. Su and his team at Bali Aquarich are at it again with a fresh new crop of captive bred angelfish. They only recently started shipping those gorgeous captive bred clarion angelfish babies and now we have a few more…
Paracentropyge multifasciatus x P. venustus hybrid is just dead drop gorgeous
This Paracentropyge multifasciatus x Paracentropyge venustus hybrid is one of those rare fish that should get even people not into rare fish crave extremely excited. It is really just a stunning beauty of nature. The pictures alone of which might…