Pillar Coral moved to Critically Endangered on IUCN Red List

The Pillar Coral (Dendrogyra cylindrus), has moved from Vulnerable to Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List after its population shrunk by over 80% across most of its range since 1990. The most urgent threat is from Stony Coral Tissue…

CoralCure Ointment Base2B is a topical treatment for Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease

An antibiotic treatment has been developed to help cure dying corals on the Florida Reef Tract. Amoxycillin is a medication used to treat a wide variety of bacterial infections in humans, and by mixing it with a base ointment, researchers…

Dendrogyra cylindrus Declared Extinct in Florida

The coral reefs of Florida have seen a long steady decline for more than 100 years and a lot of research and effort has been done to try understand the root causes of this degradation and how it can be…

Aquariums are Saving the Last Florida Pillar Corals

A team of Scientist and Aquarist from the Florida Aquarium, last month broke the news for spawning in captivity for the first time, the last remaining live colonies of Pillar coral (Dendrogyra cylindrus) known from Florida state waters.  Aquarium Industry…

Top 10 Corals to Spot in the Gardens of the Queen, Cuba

Coral Spotting in Cuba Gardens of the Queen, a protected archipelago off the southern coast of Cuba, is renowned for their healthy population of sharks and mature fish. But coral diversity in the park can be just as spectacular, especially…

Quick Guide To Meandering Caribbean Corals

Meandering Corals Quick Guide We get it, you’re busy and don’t have time to sit around sifting through books or perusing our Guide to Caribbean Corals. So we made this quick guide to branching corals so you can easily identify Caribbean species at a glance.…

Caribbean Coral Diaries – Dendrogyra cylindrus

The Coral Diaries series is a list of corals we have seen while diving around the world. We’ve created this series so that you can learn more about corals, and how to identify them on the reef. We encourage you…