The Use of Negative Space in the Reef Aquarium Aquascape

One of the more interesting developments in the reefkeeping hobby, in my opinion, has nothing to do with the latest, greatest gadget or advance in water-quality-management methodology. Rather, it’s an evolving aesthetic in aquascaping. Bored with the traditional monolithic stack…

Avoid These 5 Live Rock Aquascaping Pitfalls

Your long-anticipated live rock shipment has finally arrived at your doorstep, and you can’t wait to get it in your tank and start watching as life emerges from those gnarly chunks. Though you’re understandably eager to forge ahead putting the…

5 Myths About Marine Quarantine Tanks

Quarantine tanks are often discussed/written about as though they require very little effort, planning, or expense. Just dust off that 10-gallon plastic “critter keeper” sitting on the shelf, fill it with salt water, drop in a heater and sponge filter,…

Seachem marine substrates now available in smaller size with new packaging

Seachem has been giving a facelift to the packaging of its entire product line, refreshing the look and feel of the marine and freshwater lines as well as unifying them all under a common branding design. The latest product to…

Simple Tips for Effective Marine Aquarium Aquascaping

Since we launched Saltwater Smarts, we’ve been sprinkling the term “aquascaping” into our posts with reckless abandon. While many of you seasoned salties out there might be well acquainted with this term, others may find themselves scratching their heads each…

Tropical Eden’s new Aragavive live sand

The Tropical Eden line of reef-collected aragonite substrates went “live” with its new Aragavive live aragonite sand. The Aragavive line comes in four flavors, depending on how fine or how large you like your substrate and you have to love…

Substrates in Aquariums–Plenums, DSBs & Barebottom Aquaria

There is more then one way to skin a cat. In the reef keeping hobby this adage is axiomatic. Given that every single tank is slightly different from any other in methodology used, in how each develops biologically, chemically, and…