The purple tang, Zebrasoma xanthurum, is a celebrated marine aquarium fish and one of the most iconic endemic species in the Red Sea. Just a few short years after Rising Tide’s first breakthroughs with the related yellow tang, Bali Aquarich announced their…
Purple Tang Captive Bred by Bali Aquarich
The Purple tang has been captive bred and it comes to fruition from a familiar player in the world of reef fish aquaculture, Bali Aquarich. It’s only been a couple years since the breakthroughs in breeding the closely related yellow…
The ‘Keyhole Sailfin’ has a HOLE Right Through its Body!
We’ve covered some truly bizarre and unique marine fish of all kinds over the years, but to this day we can’t say we’ve ever even heard of anything quite like this. Marine fish with deformed bodies, especially tailless specimens have…
ACI’s Purple-Tail Purple Tang was the Star of Reefapalooza Orlando!
The purple tang’s official scientifically designated name is Zebrasoma xanthurum – ‘yellow tail’ is the hallmark of this species. While tens of thousands of purple tangs have no problem following this convention, every once in a while a lone ranger decides to…
Calico Scopas Tang Among Recent Imports of Koi & Tricolor Tangs
If you’re on the lookout for a rare and unique surgeonfish for your saltwater or reef aquarium, there’s no better place to look right now than TSM Corals. Don & his crew have been acquiring these unusual fish from the…
Awesome Fish Spotlight! Super Xanthic, Yellow Scopas Tang Shows Up In Indonesia
Following the hype on the multicolored aberrant or Koi scopas tangs that showed up in the last few years, our friends at Bali Aquarium scored a very nice Super-Xanthic Yellow Scopas Tang this week. Unlike the aberrant Scopas tang that…
White Chocolate is a White, Yellow & Scopas Tang All In One
Casper the white tang might be the most famous surgeonfish in the world but World Wide Corals has been conditioning a new superstar in their stable of awesome tangs. A little over a year ago WWC added two piebald Zebrasoma, with the…
Tailless Sailfin Tang Looks Surprisingly Normal
Tiny Zebrasoma tangs aren’t much more than huge dorsal and anal fins with a tiny body sandwiched in the middle, and this is especially true of the sailfin tang. So oddly enough, this tailless Z. veliferum offerred by AquaGift in…
There’s A Tang Party At Jason Fox’s House!
A few weeks ago I travelled to Maryland right before Reefapalooza New York specifically to take a detour at the coral mecca of Jason Fox Signature Corals. I’ll be getting to the corals in due time but today I want…
Three Of The RAREST Zebrasoma Videos: White, Gem and Tricolor Tangs!
With nearly three hundred videos on a myriad of topics, Reef Builders has one of the oldest aquariums channels on YouTube. In that time we’ve featured countless beautiful, rare and exotic animals, and today we want to revisit three of our…