The LED track light pendant system from the team at Blue Moon Aquatics is a cool new multichip LED powered light that we spotted at MAX last weekend. These two units are early phase prototypes running at 20 watts, with 20 x 1 watt LEDs but the final version will be a 30 watt LED Multichip that will be available with a power consumption of 15 or 30 watts. The pendant is powered via a track system and it also swivels to shine the light in a focused yet evenly lit area of your aquarium. While incandescent base LED spotlights have been coming out all over the place, this is the first specifically track light system we’ve encountered for aquarium use. We are definitely looking forward to seeing these lights as they get closer to becoming a production reality and Blue Moon expects to have some of these lights ready before InterZoo. The first run of the Blue Moon multichip LED track spotlight will have a target price of $200 per pendant and they will be available in a cool white, all blue, or a half blue half white spotlight.
Multichip LED spotlights from Blue Moon Aquatic will be crankin 30 watts in three colors
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