The Zoomed MagClip is one of the most useful yet underrated pieces of equipment we’ve ever used. Designed to hold tubing in place, the completely waterproof magclip is useful for clipping just about anything; power cords, tubing, nori, frags, corals and anything you’d want to fasten to the aquarium glass. Kevin Kohen of LiveAquaria first turned us on to the Zoomed Magclip when he showed us a nursery he’d built for the first American-born Mcculochi clownfish he successfully raised. Since then we’ve ended up buying the Zoomed magclip two to three at time, for many random aquarium fastening applications, but mostly for perching aquarium corals on the back pane of the aquarium glass.
The California reefers know what we’re talking about; We collect a bunch of frags on a regular basis and many of them are placed on the sand bed until a more permanent spot is found for them. Frags get buried, or stung by a neighboring frag, but when they’re clipped into the back glass frags can get plenty of light and flow without moving around. If you have a high residency of frags in your tank, you could also built an frag shelf with multiple mag clips. Like so many things this device is easy to DIY but it wouldn’t be practical to make something that worked as well with six different sized clips that screw into the waterproof magnet for say $6-7 a pair. For that price, if a better placement can save one coral from uncertain fate on the sand bed or simply allow a prized frag to prosper in the bestest flow and light, then the Zoomed Magclip is totally worth it. This well distributed product should be at most LFS but if not, it’s also available from Premium Aquatics and Foster & Smith.