If we have to cover one more stupid waterproof camera, phone case or tablet we are going to shoot ourselves. Unless it’s a useful waterproofing accessory that lets you do more with your device like this new waterproof iPhone case which at least lets you access basic camera functions. A couple years ago it would have been foolish to encourage iPhone users to take more pictures with the crummy camera but with 5MP and 8MP sensors in the iPhone 4 and 4s, these days the iPhone actually takes pretty decent pictures and video.
What sets the TAT7 waterproof iPhone case apart is the ability to not only protect your device while it’s getting wet but also to access all the camera app functions including photo and video, perfect for sharing pics and vids of fish and corals at the fish store. Using Siri voice controls of the iPhoen 4s you could even start facetime with other iPhone 4 and 4s users and take them on an upclose trip through your aquarium, although we’re not sure how much signal you can get through water. $85 and you too can take your iPhone fearlessly into wet photography territory. [TAT7 via Gizmodo]