Featured here are two of the aquarium world’s rarest species of marine angelfishes; the peppermint angelfish, Paracentropyge boylei and the tiger angelfish, Apolemichtys kingi. Both of these two demi-gods of reef life have been thoroughly featured on Reef Builders throughout the years but this weekend, De Jong Marinelife will be the first company to ever lay claim to put on public display, both of these sensational reef fish in the same tank.
It’s currently the last day of setup for InterZoo 2014 here in Nuremberg and as we speak, both of these lovelies should be en route or getting ready to be placed into their display, if they aren’t already. This video is an exclusive sneak preview of what InterZoo attendees should make a real effort to go by and visit at the DeJong Marinelife booth, just like we’re going to do, right now!