The aquarium hobby seems like such a serene, benign past time yet there is a group of people who are vehemently opposed to our very existence. Once again the stakes have reached a critical level in the battleground of Hawaii where a bill is proposing to all but effectively ban fish collecting there for good.
I’m talking about no more yellow tangs, no more chevrons, no tinker’s butterflyfish, no flame wrasses, no bandit angelfish, and bunch of other species that may completely disappear from the aquarium hobby if this bill is enacted. But worst of all is the jobs that will be lost for the fish collectors practicing the most sustainable, artisanal employment from the ocean.
You can help by submitting your own comments through the PIJAC website urging Governor Ibe of Hawaii to veto this anti-aquarium and anti-science legislation. Fundamentally this kind of law is rooted in the aquarium hobby’s opponents who simply don’t want us keeping ANY fish in aquariums because they feel it’s wrong.
This is the kind of laws that happen in the post-truth era we’re in, and we need to stop this nonsense dead in its tracks. The threat to our beloved aquarium hobby is real, and what’s at stake is more than just access to a small group of fish from Hawaii. For more information please watch and share the video above, share this article, and the others we’ve listed below. It’s going to take everyone’s help to win this fight so the more you know, the more we can ensure that our hobby is vibrant and ongoing in a sustainable direction for generations to come.