Faun Marin is releasing a new line of liquid aquarium additives called simple, Elementals. While Fauna Marin has perhaps one of the most extensive catalogs of additives, elements, supplements, foods, vitamins, aminos etc, this is the first time they’ve offered a liquid additive for the main building blocks of seawater mineral chemistry.
Until now if you wanted Calcium, Buffer, or Magnesium from Fauna Marin these have been available as a dry powder that you mix up yourself. While this might be the most economical way to mix calcium, carbonate & magnesium, the purity of these powders is limited to a certain threshold.
Fauna Marin Elementals are essentially pre-mixed versions of their Ultra Balling Light additives, with an extra level of purity and accuracy of concentration tested by their Seawater Research Lab ICP machine. The main solutions of Fauna Marin Elementals will include Calcium with Strontium, Magnesium, Alkalinity, and even a Nitrite & Phosphate solution for reef tanks running very low nutrients.