If you thought we could contain our visit to LiveAquaria in a single video, well then you underestimate how much awesomeness this facility holds in the Northwoods of Wisconsin. If you watched our previous video tour of LiveAquaria, Kevin Kohen really does an incredible, candid job of walking us through the facility, talking about the different displays, coral systems, and fish holding tanks.
Since he focused on being informative about the marine life facility he build and directed for 15 years that’s the focus of that video. So we decided to create another one which really spotlights some of LiveAquaria’s best animals, showcasing corals and fish which we hardly, or never, see anywhere else in the marine aquarium hobby.
The animals speak for themselves; nursalim wrasse, cook island ventralis anthias, Pitcairn angelfish, lava coals, irish sunrise sandal corals, and of course the best close up of a peppermint angelfish in the history of reef keeping (so far). When taken altogether it’s easy to see why we made a bee-line to Rhinelander Wisconsin from the Reef Builders Studio to the LiveAquaria facility just to see so many amazing reef animals for the first time, in the company of a bonafide diehard saltwater reef and fish hobbyist.