TRITON applied Reef Bioscience has achieved its next significant milestone with the opening of a fifth TRITON ICP laboratory in São Paulo, Brazil. The brand new lab has commenced testing for all TRITON ICP water samples in the South American region, and reef keepers in Argentina, Chile, Columbia, Peru, and of course Brazil will all benefit from the faster turnaround and cost savings this new high-tech ICP testing lab will offer.
TRITON invented reef aquarium ICP testing in 2008, along with single-element supplementation, and in 2024, ICP testing is now commonplace, the go-to water test for accuracy and answers, and influences so many modern reefing methodologies by first testing and then fixing individual element deficiencies.
TRITON remains the only ICP aquarium testing company in the world to expand beyond their country of origin, with labs (and machines,) in North America, the UK, Germany, Australia, and now Brazil. Having regional labs reduces the turnaround time for TRITON test results and increases their value based on usability.
TRITON says the new ICP testing lab in Brazil will also gain a variety of insights into the different reefing styles of this region, providing valuable knowledge that will be added to their already extensive worldwide database. The information will be further utilized by TRITON to improve their knowledge base along with the promise to feed back to the wider community for the benefit of all.
Check out the video below for a sneak peek of the TRITON South America Lab and the opening party.
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