Chaetomorpha Strains are Much More Different Than We Ever Knew

Chaetomorpha is a genus of macro algae that almost every modern reefer will be familiar with, but there’s still a lot we don’t know about the thin wiry green algae. Whether you call it ‘chee-to’, ‘chay-to’ or the more universally accepted pronunciation…

Algae Scrubbers, How We Grow Massive Amounts of Chaetomorpha

Managing nutrients is one of the most important aspects to keeping a healthy, balanced reef aquarium free from unwanted algae. Curiously, one of the best ways to do this is to actually encourage algae to grow in a separate part…

Clever Spinning Chaetomorpha Reactor is the Perfect DIY Project

Very few tanks absolutely need a form a vegetative nutrient export like an algae scrubber or reactor but most tank certainly benefit from having one of some kind. Whether you’re trying to buff the pH, reduce nutrients, or outcompete nuisance algaes,…

DIY Chaetomorpha Reactors Are All The Rage Right Now!

Intentionally injecting fine bubbles into a reef tank is a highly questionable endeavor, but one current craze I can totally get behind is the huge wave of DIY Chaetomorpha reactors reefers are building to lower nutrients in their reef tanks.  Unlike the…

Making a DIY Chaetomorpha Reactor is Incredibly Easy

Since the dawn of mini reef tanks, exporting nutrients to keep aquarium water clean has always been one of the most important tasks to having a successful, thriving tank. Between activated carbon to protein skimming, carbon dosing and denitrification, algae scrubbers…

Skimz unveils a macroalgae filter chaetomorpha reactor of their own

The Skimz macroalgae filter reactor is an interesting take on a product category which is beginning to gain a lot of traction in the aquarium hobby. The singaporean aquarium product company is quite prolific when it comes to experimenting with…

Pax Bellum ARID Filter review: the most ‘intense’ way to grow Chaetomorpha

They say that everything that is old will be new again, and this statement couldn’t ring any more true for the Pax Bellum ARID Chaetomorpha filters. In the early days of successful reef keeping, algae scrubbers and phyto-remediation was the state…

A.R.I.D. chaetomorpha macroalgae scrubbers from Pax-Bellum

The marine aquarium hobby is always on the lookout for ever simpler and more effective ways to reduce nutrients in our tanks. The A.R.I.D. devices from Pax-Bellum are a new way to apply intensive macroalgae scrubbing to nutrient reduction, making…

SEA Aquarium has the most gigantic ball of spinning Chaetomorpha algae

It’s no secret that I am personally not a fan of the kitchen sink approach to creating a “refugium” with all the sands and cruddy algaes that usually build up there. I and we, are very much in favor of using…

Do Macroalgae Refugiums Have Unseen Consequences?

Many people have turned to growing macroalgae as a means to export nutrients for years. This has proven to be a solid method of managing nitrates and phosphates that when dialed in appear to have no negative impact on a…