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Caribbean Coral Diaries: Acropora cervicornis

Acropora cervicornis Acropora cervicornis is an iconic Caribbean coral and one every scuba diver should know how to identify. In the Caribbean, there are three species of Acropora which are essential for creating complex habitats and buffering the coastline. Acropora cervicornis grows into cylindrical branches…

Caribbean Coral Diaries: Meandrina jacksoni

Meandrina jacksoni could easily be mistaken for Meandrina meandrites Maze Coral, but the pale yellow color and encrusting shape is what defines this species. Meandrina corals have unique ridges with prominent septa from the top of the ridge to the center of the valley.…

Beginners Guide To Diving Roatan

So you’ve decided to go scuba diving in Roatan, or perhaps you are still considering where to spend your holiday. This guide will give you an introduction to diving in Roatan for certified and non-certified divers. Getting There Fly There…

Caribbean Coral Diaries: Scolymia lacera

Surprise! I’m a coral addict!! I hope I’m not overdoing it with my enthusiasm for corals, but it’s about to get a whole ‘nother level of fangirl for Scolymia lacera. If you’re like me, every time you get it the…

Caribbean Coral Diaries: Oculina diffusa

Oculina diffusa Oculina diffusa is a coral we never thought we would see in person! However, on a recent trip to Honduras, we found several colonies in the least expected habitat Oculina is a thin delicate branching species of coral…

Caribbean Coral Diaries: Madracis decactis

Madracis decactis Madracis is an attractive species of coral often covered in stout furry polyps. This species, Madracis decactis, grows into compact yellow lobes and is common, although not abundant. Juvenile colonies start by encrusting onto rocks before forming short lobes or branches. As…

Caribbean Coral Diaries: Siderastrea siderea

Siderastrea siderea Siderastrea is one of the easiest corals to identify in the Caribbean, and if you’ve ever been diving or snorkeling chances are you would have found this species. There are two species of Siderastrea in the Caribbean and Siderastrea siderea…

Suunto Recalls Tank Pod Wireless Transmitters

Suunto announces a recall of all Suunto Wireless Tank Pressure Transmitters and Suunto Tank PODs Suunto has identified a potential safety risk affecting all Suunto Wireless Tank Pressure Transmitters and Suunto Tank PODs which wirelessly transmit tank air pressure to…

Caribbean Coral Diaries: Manicina areolata

Manicina areolata The look of Manicina areolata can easily be confused between a few different Caribbean corals, and it takes a keen eye to spot this uncommon species. You could easily mistake this for a juvenile maze coral (Meandrina meandrites), or juvenile boulder brain coral…

Caribbean Coral Diaries: Scolymia cubensis

Scolymia cubensis The time has come to write about my favorite Caribbean coral, the Scolymia. There are two species of Scolymia the smaller solitary disk coral, (Scolymia cubensis), and the large fleshy disk coral (Scolymia lacera). This article is about the smaller…