
Euphyllia cristata, the Coral Everyone Forgets About

In the recent day, writing about Euphyllia and Fimbriaphyllia, a sudden question struck us, what about Euphyllia cristata, is it Fimbriaphyllia or Euphyllia? We always wanted to write about this coral, it’s one of our favorite in the Caryophylliidae, but we…

Have you ever seen a Fimbriaphyllia ‘Frammer’ Coral?

What exactly is a Frammer coral? It’s a Fimbriaphyllia with a tentacles mix of Hammer and Frogspawn tips. Recently the Euphyllia group has been revised and the only Euphyllia is the Torch, Euphyllia glabrescens, and all other former members have…

Learn to Spot Six Types of Branching Coral

Six Types of Branching Coral One of the first steps to becoming a coral spotter is learning to recognize coral growth forms. An perhaps the most recognizable of them all is branching corals. But even within this recognizable group, there are…

Learn To Spot Coral Diversity: Large Polyp Corals

Large Polyp Corals Large polyp corals are any hard coral species which have thick fleshy tissue and large corallites over a few centimeters wide. There are even some extra large species with polyps that can reach 10 even 30 centimeters…

Euphyllia Corals Grow Best in Rhythmic Pulsing Flow

Euphyllia Flow Euphyllia corals have grown to be one of the most iconic aquarium corals, the hammer type polyp, Euphyllia ancora, even earning its place as “coral of the year” back in 2014. But when it comes to keeping these corals thriving in…

Diving With Her Deepness Dr. Sylvia Earle – And Euphyllia Reef We Must Protect!

Diving With Her Deepness Dr. Sylvia Earle You know you’re on the right path when an invitation arrives to guide a dive for the one and only Dr. Sylvia Earle! Last month while diving in Northern Sulawesi during the Celebrate…

True Pink Tipped Euphyllia paradivisa Is Rarer than You Think

Euphyllia paradivisa, is a popular aquarium coral commonly know as branching frogspawn coral. You can find it for sale online and in most reef aquarium shops along with other branching and wall type Euphyllia corals.   The frogspawn Euphyllia corals have…

Fimbriaphyllia: Hammer, Torch & Frogspawn Corals Might Be More Different Than Anyone Thought

It’s no secret that Euphyllia corals are a very diverse group and it seems that some of these species may be more different from each other than we ever thought. We see both a range of forms within each of…

How To Identify 20 Stony Corals From Indonesia

Often scuba divers focus on tiny critters, schools of fish, or jumbo-sized creatures like whales, dolphins, and sharks. This leaves corals to get lumped together under a single term ‘coral reef’ which is far too general to describe the hundreds of individual…

Crazy Hybrid Hammer x Frogspawn Coral Discovered in Bali Indonesia

Bali Aquarium has just released pictures of a truly fantastic looking Euphyllia coral. The tentacles are a perfect blend of a hammer coral, Euphyllia ancora, and a frogspawn coral, Euphyllia divisa, which is not that uncommon to see in some branching Euphyllia,…