For so many years, we thought we saw Montipora capricornis everywhere. So many people were use that name for just any about any cup-shaped or plating Monti including M. foliosa, M. florida or M. aequituberculata was labelled a ‘Monti Cap’.…
Learn to Spot Encrusting Coral
Encrusting Coral Growth Form Corals grow in different growth forms to survive in different habitats, and the coral growth form which a most easily overlooked are the encrusting species. These corals creep along the rocks like a crust holding everything…
Huge Colony of Kung Pao Monti Spotted on Wild Reef
Modern communications and social media tools have brought the aquarium world closer together than ever before, but there’s still a big gap between Wild Corals and Aquarium Corals. Most reef aquarists only get to see small pieces of coral, either…
Montipora Identification 1.1: A Guide to the Plating and Laminar Species
Montipora is a beautiful diverse and popular group of aquarium corals with a wide range of colors and forms. With so many species described, it can be quite hard to know where to start when trying to identify a Montipora.…
The Beach Bum Montipora is from a different planet!
Diving along the Great Barrier Reef, under the guidance from master coral collector, Nic Dos Santos from Ultra Coral Australia, we had the opportunity to see a lot of very nice corals. On one of these dive, at an offshore…
Montipora: A Practical Guide to the Variety of Forms Part 1
If there is a group of coral, where we find ourselves struggling to properly identify to the species level, that’s Montipora! Montipora are probably the most popular coral right after Acropora, it’s a fast growing, very colorful group of SPS…
Learn To Spot Six Types Of Plating Coral
Plating Corals Spotting coral can be overwhelming when everything looks the same. However, learning to recognize corals based on growth forms in the easiest way to master the art of coral spotting. Plating corals are found in all reef habitats…
The Red Sea Reefer Peninsula Has Corals! [Video]
The second concept aquarium, and really the first true concept reef tank at the Reef Builders Studio is the Montipora dominated Red Sea Reefer Peninsula aquarium. A few weeks ago we shared with you the setup of this reef aquarium system…
Flower Polyp Montipora Appears with Intense GFP Infection
The Flower Polyp Montipora Cap is one of the older and more unique strains of Montipora in the reef aquarium hobby, and also one of our favorites. This light off-green Monti strain has a nice thick purple rim, but what really…