If you’ve been paying any attention to the coral scene lately, torch corals are smokin’ hot, like so hot you can’t touch a single head of one for some serious coin. Although Euphyllia glabrescens has been a mainstay of the…
Featured posts
Hydra 64 Hands-On: Top 10 Changes to AI’s Most Powerful LED Light
It’s no exaggeration to say that the new line of LED lights from AquaIllumination including the Hydra 64HD, Hydra 32HD and multitude of Prime 16HD variants are the company’s most powerful and feature rich to date. Aside from the completely…
Black Belt Yellow Tang is a Fun Remix of the Iconic Reef Fish
The Black Belt Yellow Tang is an interesting variant of Zebrasoma flavescens that was first brought to our attention from a specimen acquired by LiveAquaria two years ago. What makes the yellow tang so supremely iconic is its stark yellow…
Hydra 32 & Hydra 64 are Major Update to AquaIllumination’s Flagship LED Lights
The Hydra 64 and Hydra 32 are two new light fixtures from the aquarium hobby’s oldest manufacturer of LED lights, AquaIllumination. Very much like tech manufacturers tick-tock approach to releasing new phones, the Hydra 32 & 64 are a ‘supercycle’…
AI Prime 16HD Will Come in Four Versions: Reef, Sol, Fuge & Freshwater
The AI Prime 16HD is the new and improved version of AquaIllumination’s wildly popular LED spotlight fro small spaces and nano reef aquarium applications. Not only is the AI Prime 16HD getting a major refresh, but it is almost developing…
Opening Four Boxes of Cherry Picked, Australian Corals [Video]
If there’s one solid perk to the job of traveling the reefing world to seek out all the most important and interesting stories it’s getting to see a lot of corals. Whether it’s on the reef, at exporters, stores, and in…
Not All Wilsoni Corals are the Same
In the recents months we’ve been seeing an increase in the availability of insane Australophyllia wilsoni coming from Western Australia. This species is an Indian Ocean endemic, and the only coral that can regularly be found growing among kelp forest.…
Acanthastrea pachysepta: Your Orange Lobo is most Likely an Acan!
Acanthastrea pachysepta is a reclassification of a coral that has stumped us for well over a decade. Formerly classified as a Lophyllia (which now includes all Symphyllia too), the majority of orange lobos exhibit a different color, pattern, morphology and especially behavior than any…
Reef Builders TShirt and Free Beginner Poster now Available Online!
It’s been a long time coming but we’ve finally gotten our ducks in a row to provide our fans and readers some shwag that normally, we’ve only offered in person. After careful planning and preparation we’ve partnered up with ReefTeez…
ReefStock 2019 Presentation: Corals of Australia by Vincent Chalias
After years of running ReefStock in America, our second ever ReefStock in Australia was totally over the top in terms of a quality reefing experience. This is especially true of our speakers who presented on various topics and kicking off…