
Fluid Designers makes a big splash with a suite of novel acrylic designs

Fluid Designers is a brand new aquarium company started by some old school veterans of the aquarium industry. Founder Dave Marriott has been around the block at every level of the aquarium business chain, as front man for wholesale, retail,…

Taking the Rossmont Mover pump for a spin

The Rossmont Mover is very interesting  propeller water pump from the new Italian aquarium product company, Rossmont. Built from a tried and true two-bladed propeller design, the Rossmont Mover was built from the ground up with no legacy influences, and…

New Skimz PUR ReefSalt made in Germany for the Singapore-based company

Skimz PUR ReefSalt is a new salt mixture designed for the Singapore-based company. According to information we’ve seen online, the salt is specifically formulated for the reef environment and manufactured in Germany using high-quality ingredients. The brief description we saw…

Warner Marine EcoBak Plus is packed with a diversity of carbon and polymer

EcoBAK Plus is a new biopellet formulation from Warner Marines which is endowed with more than the average bio-polymer. We know of many different reefers who add varied carbon sources to their reef aquariums, like vodka and vinegar, and others…

Reef Blizzard takes Brightwell Aquatics into planktonic feeding

The new Reef Blizard planktonic food blends by Brightwell Aquatics are some of the new products we are seeing from the company as of late. Coming in three varieties — Reef Blizzard-O, Reef Blizzard-L and Reef Blizzard-S — the product line gives…

Reef Octopus Prime skimmer is a near-perfect clone of the Vertex Omega

The Reef Octopus Prime protein skimmer is a new model from the Chinese manufacturer which bears an uncanny resemblance to one of last year’s best. Wine glass body shape, custom volute for not-a-Sicce pump, and that iconic red & white…

Reef Octopus DC pump revealed in circulation and skimmer versions

It looks like the Reef Octopus is at it again with another version of the Reef Octopus controllable DC water pump in both a circulation edition and one designed for protein skimmers. If you’re not familiar with the benefits of…

Another new Hang-On skimmer from JNS & SeaSide Aquatics

SeaSide Aquatics has been blazing a trail paved with new products in recent months, the newest of which being another noteworthy hang on protein skimmer. The ES1 Hang-On protein skimmer shares some similarities with the JNS-built DeepWater Aquatics hang-on protein…

New Seaside Aquatics DC-100 skimmer uses the smallest DC pump

SeaSide Aquatics has a new DC-Powered protein skimmer on the block, the itty bitty DC-100 which uses the smallest DC water pump we’ve ever seen for aquarium use. While controllable DC pumps made a huge disruptive change to many of…

Rossmont Mover pumps being evaluated by Seaside Aquatics

SeaSide Aquatics has been blazing a trail in the marine aquarium hobby lately, a trail paved with the latest and greatest reef gear, most recent of which is the exciting Rossmont Mover pumps. Designed in isolation from a completely new…