An Ultra-Low-Nutrient System for Acropora and other SPS

Welcome to the next level of coral care. By now I am assuming you have at least understood all the key general practices to maintain some of the hardier corals, from soft corals to large-polyp stony (LPS) corals to some…

Pink Acropora jacquelineae discovered in Raja Ampat

Acropora jacquelineae is a very recognizable species of deepwater or smooth skinned Acro. It is relatively easy to keep, but until now if you wanted to try your hand at growing the unique shape of Acropora jacquelineae you had to…

The unique colors of indonesian acropora

Variety is the spice of life and that’s no different than in the reefing world where collectors are always seeking different acros that they don’t have, wether it be different in combination of colors, form, or even a specific color…

A parade of Bali deepwater acropora

Deepwater acropora are a category of SPS and staghorn corals unto themselves, in some parts of Europe they are called ‘naked’ acros for the smooth tissue between their widely spaced corallites. Nowhere in the world does the species diversity of these…

Acropora spathulata discovered in Indonesia

Acropora spathulata is the quintessential Australian SPS Coral in our minds, but we’ve now discovered that this coral can also be found as far away as central Indonesia. Contrary to our previous belief that A. spathulata is an Australian endemic,…

‘Red’ Acropora suharsonoi discovered in central Indonesia

So-called deepwater Acropora are so different in appearance and ecology that they could easily belong to a different genus of coral. There’s a myriad of species that ascribe to the deepwater or ‘naked acro’ description, but the most extreme member of this…

Acropora horrida wows us with a green tip version

Acropora horrida is hands-down, one of the most beautiful and colorful species of Acropora available to aquarists, and it is also fairly common throughout Indo-Pacific reefs. ‘Horrida’ was one of the first Acros we drooled over from pictures of this…

A perfect colony of Acropora cophodactyla in Tulamben, Bali

Acropora corals are clearly some of the successful corals on natural reefs, and the most popular corals in home aquariums. Their diversity of color, colony shapes, patterns and textures all come together to give these reef building corals an unrivaled appeal.…

Revision of Acropora & Isopora, a free guide to Staghorn Corals

Coral books for diehard coral junkies like ourselves are few and far between, which is why we spend so much time digging through the scientific literature. We frequently come across new discoveries, new species, but occasionally, we come across a…

Shallow water Acropora globiceps looks like living crystals

We have held a soft spot for Acropora globiceps ever since the beginning of our adventures in reef and stony coral keeping. Acropora globiceps was one of the first acro frags that we ever got and grew, yet this species is…