The glorious colony shape of Acropora plumosa

Another day brings another interesting writeup on a notable stony coral we encountered on the Fluval Sea Flores Expedition. Like any good card-carrying Acropora lover we have perused all the pages of Corals of the World and distinctive species like Acropora pichoni…

Blue mimic anemone makes an impressive duplicate of Acropora digitifera

Unless they are hosting clownfish or somewhat reef-safe, Anemones don’t get a fair share of attention in the aquarium world. But things could be different if we saw more mimic anemones like this wonderful blue Phyllodiscus semoni which we sighted on…

The second unknown Acropora discovered on the Fluval Sea Flores Expedition

One of the most exciting outcomes we could have hoped for on the Fluval Sea Flores Expedition is to encounter some corals that have never been seen before. Early on we observed not one but two species of Acropora the likes of which…

Unknown Acropora species discovered on the Fluval Sea Flores Expedition

If we had one greatest hope for the Fluval Sea Flores Expedition, it was to find some new, undescribed, and otherwise unknown species of marine life, with stony corals topping our wish list. Wouldn’t you know it, on just the…

The Bali Shortcake is a new rosey colored Acropora latistella

The Bali Shortcake Acro is a color form of Acropora latistella with a unique tricolor appearance that originated from Bali, although the species is widespread in the whole Indo-Pacific region. It is red along the lower part of the branches then become bright yellow…

Handmade acropora ‘supercolonies’ intentionally spawned in an aquarium

The story of what Jamie Craggs and friends have accomplished with their ‘manufactured’ mother colonies is nothing short of astounding. Working at the Horniman Museum and Aquarium, in less than 12 months they went from frags, to sexually viable colonies…

Video of Marshall Islands’ Pacific Elhorn Acropora rotumana

The Pacific Elkhorn Acro that made headlines several years ago has an uncanny resemblance to the Caribbean Elkhorn Coral, Acropora palmata.  It was a great surprise to find the highly distinctive Pacific Elkhorn Acro growing aplenty in Kwajalein Atoll and in addition to…

Kwajalein has more than its fair share of Red Acropora

Red Acros are one of the rarest color forms you can find in captively grown Acropora species, which is why species such as the ORA Red Planet, the Red Dragon acro, and the raspberry red Millepora acros are so popular in…

Acropora tortuosa in Kwajalein has a unique blue tip color

Prior to traveling to Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands, we read a report citing the occurrence of huge tree-like old-growth stands of Acropora tortuosa that were discovered at Rongelap Atoll several hundred miles north of Kwajalein. We didn’t expect…

Possible Acropora chimera: a table acropora develops unusual upright branches

We spotted many beautiful corals and unknown colors while thoroughly assessing the coral life of Kwajalein Atoll, but one particularly colony stands out among our discoveries for some very unusual features. Two coral species which are well represented inside the…