Acropora insignis gets an official release from ORA

Acropora insignis is an interesting staghorn Acro which was one of the must-have stony corals back in the day when the selection was much more limited. Acro Insignis has been obscured by more showy species in the recent past but ORA…

Red Dragon Acro: large wild Acropora carduus colonies photographed in Bali

The reef aquarium hobby has never enjoyed so much diversity and abundance of maricultured stony corals but with so many of these species being highly sought after, it seems like all we know of many of these species is how…

Coral goby-hosting acropora found to chemically signal their gobies for help

You are probably aware of the symbiotic relationship between Acropora and coral gobies, with the coral providing shelter and the coral gobies in return fighting off predators and other threats to the health of the coral. Now however, researchers at…

Acropora sirikitiae newest species of staghorn coral described from western Thailand

Acropora sirikitiae is the newest species of the popular small polyp stony coral genus Acropora to be described since Acropora rongelapensis. Discovered growing in Western Thailand, Acropora sirikitiae is a medium branched staghorn with appressed radial corallites. Carden Wallace, the world’s preeminent expert…

The infamous Cali Tort & Oregon Tort – classic strains of blue Acropora tortuosa

This week I would like to talk about a coral that is dear to my heart, Acropora tortuosa. I’m not sure exactly why this coral is so well loved and collected within the hobby – Is it because it occurs…

Acropora suharsonoi – one of the most beautiful and unique deepwater Acro species

We are delighted to welcome Leo den Breejen as the latest addition to our lineup of international contributors. Leo is the creator of such famed aquascapes as the Formosa Forest and Apogon Reef and he’ll be dropping from time to…

Blue Dragon Acro tops the list of must-have Bali Deepwater Acropora

The Blue Dragon Acro, a variant of Acropora walindii, has been available in the reef aquarium hobby infrequently ever since Bali first started shipping maricultured Acropora. With all those cool Mariculture Acros coming out of Bali these days, recently the Blue Dragon Acro…

Zanclea hydroid is an Acropora and stony coral parasite you’ve probably never heard of

Zanclea is a genus of small hydroids that specializes at living on other marine creatures like corals, anemones, sponges and bryozoans. About five years ago we visited a healthy stony coral reef aquarium Seattle that had some staghorn coral colonies…

Pontyandayo’s reef tank was a tabling acropora and angelfish paradise

Not only are the Japanese famed for their ability to procure rare fish, they are also well known for their meticulous, sleek and neat reef tanks. Youtube user Pontyandayo’s reef tank is a classic example of a neat, well maintained…

Red Dragon Acro coming to the trade in greater numbers as Bali maricultured Acropora carduus

The Red Dragon Acro is one of the newer strains of neato SPS corals to gain popularity in the reef aquarium hobby, first as a few singular colonies and soon to be a whole lot more through greater imports of…