Caribbean Coral Diaries: Acropora prolifera

Acropora prolifera  Acropora prolifera is the most unique and perhaps most difficult species of coral to identify in the Caribbean. Acorpora prolifera is a hybrid of Acropora cervicornis and Acropora palmata so it’s difficult to predict just how this coral will…

Caribbean Coral Diaries: Acropora palmata

Acropora palmata Acropora palmata is the king of all Caribbean corals. Acropora palmata grows into thick robust branches and is the most important reef-building species in the Caribbean. Like it’s thinner cousin, Acropora cervicornis, palmata colonies provide complex habitat for juvenile fish. As…

Caribbean Coral Diaries: Acropora cervicornis

Acropora cervicornis Acropora cervicornis is an iconic Caribbean coral and one every scuba diver should know how to identify. In the Caribbean, there are three species of Acropora which are essential for creating complex habitats and buffering the coastline. Acropora cervicornis grows into cylindrical branches…

Teaser Trailer of Sanjay Joshi’s Acropora Dominated Reef Aquarium

If you’ve been following Reef Builders Videos on our YouTube channel, you know that there’s been a whole lotta action in this space lately. Tons of featured reefs, unboxings, livestreams, we’re really firing on all cylinders.  Last week prior to…

Acropora millepora: Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About This Coral

Acropora millepora is probably the most famous Acropora right after Acropora tenuis. Demand for this SPS coral waxes and wanes but it’s always a very popular coral, and holds a very special place in our heart! What’s so special about them?…

Green Polyp Anacropora Is The Ultimate Cryptic Coral Strain

Anacropora has become a little more available to reefers in the last several years, but this genus still hasn’t yet received the adoration it deserves. Coming mostly in muted shades of white, brown, olive green and sometimes a rusty orange, we’ve…

Dramatic Acropora Color Change Sighted At Reef Raft Canada

We know that corals can change colors, some times pretty radically from how they are first imported. However one recent account from Reef Raft Canada takes the cake for a complete spectral makeover.  An unremarkable yet good looking colony of Acropora latistella arrived…

What Are Acropora Eating Flatworms And How To Treat Them

Acropora Eating Flatworms (AEFW) are an SPS reefers nightmare. One day you can go from a pristine reef to a fully blown out plague just by introducing them with one coral. Amakusaplana acroporae, Acro eating flatworms, are species of flatworm…

Acropora Palmata Corals Are Much Older Than We Thought

Acropora palmata Researchers at Penn State University have shown that colonial Acorpora corals, in particular, Acropora palmata are much older than previously thought. Although the oldest portion of the coral may no longer exist, the team looked at mutations in the living…

Raja Ampat Coral Diaries – Acropora
Raja Ampat Coral Diaries How often do you dive just to see coral? No really, how often do you spend your dive photographing corals, looking for corals, and getting amped about finding rare species. It's easy to finish a dive and…