This Mimic Algae Looks Just Like Branching Acropora Coral!

Mimic Algae Organisms living in the underwater world are masters of camouflage and disguise, all to avoid predation from larger or more aggressive species. Cuttlefish change colors to blend in with their surroundings, trumpetfish drift motionlessly between gorgonian corals and seagrass confusing any would-be…

Standout Acropora & SPS Corals of Palau

As a hobby that loves and appreciates live corals, all of which originate from wild coral reefs, I don’t think we are nearly in touch with what wild corals are really like. To bridge this gap we try and travel…

Anacropora Can Get Flatworms Too!

Anacropora is one of the lesser known small polyp stony coral species which are closely related to Acros and Montis. Montipora is known to be infested by pesky white nudibranch, Acropora has its issues with Amakusaplana (Acro Eating Flatworms) and…

My Favorite Corals: Blueberry Shortcake Acropora nasuta

Usually when I salivate at a fancy coral it’s a strain, colony or species that I want to put in my own reef tank. But this ‘Blueberry Shortcake’ Acropora nasuta is one that I get to enjoy at home and…

My Favorite Corals: Yellow Tip Acropora echinata

The yellow tip Acropora echinata from ACI Aquaculture is a very interesting SPS coral with a whole lotta potential. This coral was shipped to me for safekeeping right before hurricane Irma and boy has this frag developed into a very noteworthy…

My Favorite Corals: Toxic Green Acropora florida

In the world of aquarium stony corals, the ‘Bali Green Slimer’ has been the king of green SPS for more than twenty years, since the mid nineties. This particularly tenacious strain of green Acropora yongei is so prolific that it even…

You’ve Never Seen Acropora Like This Before

We’ve collectively spent decades, centuries and millenia looking at our beloved SPS corals, but there’s only so much you can see in an aquarium setting with live corals. Sometimes you have to take a very specific approach to see what’s inside…

This Acropora nasuta from Corals Down Under Will Knock Your Socks Off!

Acropora nasuta has always been one of my favorite shallow water species of acros, both for its interesting shape and it’s attractive polyps which are most often bright blue. Normal colonies of A. nasuta are generally pale in coloration but…

Acropora plana Is One Of The Most Beautiful Acros In The Wild

While diving in Eastern in Indonesia few weeks ago, we came across some huge colonies of Acropora plana, and although we’ve seen this coral over and over for few decades, we fell in love with it once more. We believe…

ORA’s Newest Strain Is The Yellow Tip Stag Acropora austera

It’s been a while since we’ve seen a new Acro strain from the prolific aquaculturists at  Oceans, Reefs, & Aquariums, better known as ORA in the hobby. The Yellow Tip Stag is pictured in ORA’s original style and appears to…