The Rainbow Splice Acropora Millepora from Reef Raft Canada

There are grafted corals and then there is the Rainbow Splice Millepora from Reef Raft Canada. This naturally produced bicolored strain of the hobby’s favorite Acro, Acropora millepora, was spotted among the diverse coral collections of Reef Raft. A single branch tip…

Seriatopora dendritica, Birdnest Coral Wishes it was an Acropora!

Birdnest corals are fairly common in the ocean and in our aquariums, however we really culture a handful of common species. These include the sharp branch birdnest, Seriatopora hystrix, and the blunt tip birdnest, S. caliendrum and the usually green…

Top 5 Super Exotic Thin Branched Acroporas

We are living in a golden age of reef aquariums right now and despite the closures of coral exports from Indonesia and Fiji, we still have a crazy number of coral strains already in the hobby. However, for all the…

The Unicorn Coral, Acropora multiacuta spotted in Manado, Sulawesi

Acropora multiacuta is one of those unicorn corals, one you see in a book, but never truly believe you can find it in the wild. And then in the most unexpected place, it appears. We stumbled across this rare coral specimens while…

The Clearest Macro Time Lapse Video of Growing Acropora

Time lapse and macro videos are one of the best tools we have to shine a light on coral ‘behavior’. Since corals don’t move like other animals, and their reactions to the environment are a very different time scale from…

Acropora Thrive In The Shallow Reefs Around Halmahera Indonesia

Halmahera Indonesia We’ve just spent a week diving in the northern province of Maluku Indonesia around the island of Halmahera, and to say we found our Acropora dream reef is an understatement. We visited this region as part of the…

Acropora plumosa Is A Coral That Sprouts Wings!

Acropora plumosa Have you ever heard of Acropora plumosa, the glorious coral that sprouts wings? The unique beauty and distinguishing traits of this corals are only realized once it reaches a mature adult size, and even if you’ve spotted this…

Want To Try Growing Acropora Corals? Start With The Bali Green Slimer

Bali Green Slimer The Bali Green Slimer (Acropora yongei) is a classic aquarium coral which has been in the hobby for more than 20 years. No fancy colors, or psychedelic tentacles. This classic Acropora is as green as they come,…

Acropora rongelapensis Remastered
If you think we've reached the end of the diversity of coral yet to reach our reef tanks, let us reintroduce you to Acropora rongelapensis. This wild deepwater style Acro was described only in 2004 from the very far flung Rongelap Atoll…
Acropora tenella Ties World Record for Deepest Staghorn Coral

Acropora tenella is one of the lesser known ‘deep water’ or ‘naked’ style Acros, and it can be quite beautiful and colorful too. However a recent observation of this species in the coral obliterates the maximum known depth for this…