Tips For Taking Better Aquarium Pictures

Are your aquarium pictures always turning out blue, even when the colors appear bright and vibrant to your eyes? Here are a few tricks you can use to cut out the blue and bring color back to your images. Gel…

What Eats the Crown-of-Thorns Starfish? The Answer is Found in Fish Poop.

Crown-of-thorn starfish are coral-eating predators that can have more than a dozen legs and grow to 30 inches across. The starfish gets its name from the toxic thorn-like spines covering its body, which resemble a biblical “crown of thorns”. In…

Tools for Fragging Corals

Fragmenting coral or ‘fragging’ may look complicated but with the right tools, the job can be quick and rewarding. Once you have the right tools for fragging you’ll be on your way to multiplying your coral supply. To make it…

Drill Pumps Belong in Your Aquarium Toolbox

Long before we had purpose built equipment and devices, the general aquarium hobby was grown and built off a DIY ethos with lots of improvisations and freestyling along the way. Now that we have a huge catalog of aquarium accessories,…

Mantis Shrimp Are Masters At Seeing And Controlling Light

The killer punch of the mantis shrimp is the fastest strike in the animal kingdom, a skill that goes hand in hand with its extraordinary eyesight. They can see an invisible level of reality using polarized light. Thanks to the…

Beginner Tips For LPS Corals

While researching online, you will come across the word LPS corals without knowing much about them. So, we’ve put together these tips for a better understanding of these large puffy colorful corals.  For new aquarists, Large Polyp Stony (LPS) corals…

Mastertronic Getting Final Touches Before Launch

It’s been almost a year since Focustronic teased some information about their newest project to compliment their alkalinity tester called the Mastertronic. Where the Alkatronic is a complete, all in one alkalinity testing and dosing machine, the Mastertronic picks up…

Nexus Burst Anemones from Eye Catching Coral

The Nexus Burst Bubble Tip Anemone is an exciting new strain of Entacmea quadricolor that is set to rekindle the hype for aquarium anemones. This very wild lineage of bubble tip anemone is partially green and partially neon orange, and it…

The Quest for Ludicrous Aquarium Water Flow

My path in the larger reef aquarium world began with college studies of the interaction between light and water flow, culminating in a water movement pattern that I introduced as ‘Gyre Flow’. Back then It sounded silly describing aquarium flow…

Acropora striata, a Skinny Version of the Beloved Tenuis Acro

For many years, we’ve been intrigued by an Acropora tenuis look alike, a convincing impersonator with skinny tapering branches. This is a coral we occasionally encountered from time to time, in many different places around the Indonesian archipelago but for…